
Sheeple vs. Contrarians and WIIFT vs. WIIFM 6

Sheeple vs. Contrarians and WIIFT vs. WIIFM 

In trading stocks or currency as in my life, I am a contrarian, I admit it. When I was young my parents would say I was hard-headed. When people try to convince me I should go their way, I immediately begin to wonder why, what's in it for them? Face it, the people who tell us "hey come on in the water is fine" are also the people who very likely are already thinking about getting out of the pool. This applies to trading and life. In trading, these folks are in their trade and now are trying to move the market based on what their target is. Sneaky huh? But that's the business of trading folks. Once you realize this, you will become a better trader and a better person because face it, everybody has an agenda. In life, look at the political race. Do you really think politicians are looking out for your best interest? Hey, Rene' your cynic is showing. You bet. Think about this post the next time someone tries to persuade you to do something. Your first thought should be "What's In It For Them (WIIFT)"?  Do your own research, form your own opinions, do not follow blindly along with the rest of the Sheeple herd (for those of you who do not know what Sheeple are it is a reference to the herd mentality where we follow blindly rather like another very cute, cuddly animal the lemming and we know how well that works for them). Whether you are placing your next trade, buying a car, or trying to decide who to vote for think about "What's In It For Me (WIIFM)" and see if the WIIFT and WIIFM are both in your self-interest.