
55 Is Not Senior 11

55 Is Not Senior

IMHO, I am turning 56, I should know. Who decides these things? I wanna see their supervisor because I sure as hell am not senior. My dad is a senior, he's 82. Betty White is senior, she's 90. Don't forget Besse Cooper, 115 years 230 days old, and a resident of the US. These folks are senior.

I knew I was in for trouble when on my 50th birthday there it was in the mailbox the AARP invitation. Hey now that you're a SENIOR join our club. Hell no I'm not joining your club. I am not a senior.

Ok, so the most ironic thing about this subject is that the 50-year-old is only a SENIOR in marketing world. Some businesses give discounts at 50, while others say wait until 62 for your 1/2 off cup of coffee.

In the United States, the standard retirement age is currently 65 (gradually increasing to 67). Being classified as a senior seems to be a confusing subject. It's tied to retirement and varies depending on what country you are in. I am going to move to the country where I am still a MILF.