
Mari-ju-wanna? 4


Barry Ritholtz "The Big Picture" has a fab piece on his site that gives a side-by-side comparison of 45 issues and where the presidential candidates stand. These issues include abortion, immigration, and most importantly for the purpose of this post, medical marijuana. The questions, "should the federal government arrest people for using medical marijuana in states where medical marijuana use is legal?" and "should marijuana be a medical option?" lead me to this question. Why isn't marijuana legal?

Wikipedia reports......"Cannabis is illegal to consume, use, possess, cultivate, transfer, or trade in most countries. Since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition around the mid 20th century, most countries have not re-legalized it for personal use, although more than 10 countries tolerate (or have decriminalized) its use and/or its cultivation in limited quantities. Medicinal use of cannabis is also legal in a number of countries, including Canada, the Czech Republic, Israel, and 16 states of the United States. In the Netherlands, cannabis is formally illegal, but Justice guidelines show that no action is to be taken in case of possession of a small amount and sale under strict conditions."

WTF people. It's a weed. God put it here for us to use. It isn't a pharma-engineered product that uses poisons, household cleaners, etc. in its composition, it's a 100% natural product of our green earth. Because it gives the user a "high" or altered state of their misery, people say it is bad. I could go on forever about this but I will spare you and leave you with this one last thought.....When was the last time you heard about someone dying from a marijuana overdose?

To see the Ritholtz chart on 45 issues click here.