
Nobody Tells "The Secret"

Nobody Tells "The Secret"

Letting go again and again. Don't get too attached, you'll only have to let it go.....doesn't matter what it is, everything goes.......your health, your looks, your pets, your friends, that great job...on and on.

So why don't they teach that in school? Why doesn't anybody tell you that everything is temporary? I may have been better prepared for this temporary life had someone told me it is only for a time, awhile.....not forever. No one mentioned that I am not one.......I am the soul, the spirit, in this human life, for this small amount of time.

But nobody told me. Nobody told me anything really, about life. I think we don't want to think about our temporary state of being a mortal, a human being. After all, we are that spiritual being having a human experience.

It would make life easier if we knew "The Secret" to our existence way before we reach 60ish. All that time I wasted, trying to hold onto that which cannot be contained. Nothing is permanent, everything is temporary, this is how we should live.

So why isn't anybody talking about it?

Who Said Writing Is Easy?

Who Said Writing Is Easy?

Writing is not easy for me. Gasp. Really. For me, it is a suffering like no other. Doesn't matter what it is, either. An interview, article, Tweet or Facebook post, writing causes me agita.

I have a friend who is in her 70's and just finished writing another book. ANOTHER book, I can't even squeeze out one.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I haven't figured out how to unlock the magic door to self expression. Does every other writer out there have to be in the mood to write?

Writing is a love/hate relationship for me. I love writing once I get an idea, usually. If I am forced to write, like when my deadline is here and I still don't have an idea, it's a coin toss. Maybe crap, may be great, who knows? We'll have to wait and see if the mood strikes me.

What I hate most is when I think that something I have written is epic. Then I re-read it and it is not.

I think I'll go mop the kitchen floor. At least I can see the progress I made doing that!

Suicide Isn't Painless

Suicide Isn't Painless

My grandfather, Dad's dad who emigrated from Hungary, ended his life on his terms. I was so young, only five when this happened. I do not remember him, only the day he died, because it was the first time I saw my Dad cry.

Suicide isn't painless, it hurts those who are left dealing with the human emotion of grief, while the deceased enter into the next stage of their spiritual journey. At peace in their existence while we suffer speculating on the why, rather than accepting that this is what the human and spiritual being agreed upon it's time to go. If you believe that we enter into this human life as a willing spiritual partner, prepared to take on the challenge of "being human" then you would have to agree.

My challenge in life has been getting over myself and rising up to be the person I know I can be. Sounds weird, but we all do it. Getting over yourself. The lower part of you, the human emotions who make it difficult to be an evolved being, trying to block us from being our true self.

It isn't given freely, this gift of connecting to your true self, it is meant to be a journey of discovery and overcoming being human with emotions that keep us rooted in the egoic self.

We are two beings...the human and the soul. Each has their own agenda, which is why our lives are so hard. It is up to us to bring these two pieces of ourselves together into this one being so that we can work on achieving our individual goals.

And what does this have to do with suicide? Everything. Before you decide to end your journey, make sure you have consulted your partner in this venture, the other half of yourself.