
The Great Balancing Act Called Living 9

We walk a tightrope called life trying to balance our "buckets" as we gingerly move forward. With every step, we face the risk of falling. Sometimes we lose our balance and have to stop so we can right ourselves again before we continue. I don't think it is possible to live a life where you are in balance all of the time, so you need to learn how to right yourself after losing it so you don't fall into the net. (Yes, there is a net.)

Everyone has "buckets" which could include love, spirit, work, family, fun, health. Yours may be different, these happen to be mine. I have noticed that when I am out of balance, out of sorts, not feeling right it is because one of my buckets is leaking. 

My stomach hurts or I have a headache, did you look at your health bucket today? Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing to keep this bucket in balance? If not, then what are the steps I need to take to restore balance? Keep in mind it may not be just one bucket, you may have an issue that affects multiple buckets. By having that inner dialogue, you can identify where your attention needs to be.

I know it's not always this easy but most of the time you will find that breaking things down and examining them will give you the answers. We are so busy "living" that we forget to stop and listen to ourselves.

If you feel out of balance today, look inside. Could be one of your buckets is leaking.