
Not So Comfortably Numb Or Antidepressants : Friend or Foe 13

Not So Comfortably Numb Or Antidepressants: Friend or Foe

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv. My comments are strictly based on my own experience and in no way am I advising anyone to do anything but think about what I am saying. That's all, just mull it over.

I am just a poor schlub trying to get through life like everybody else. 12 years ago I was "sad" from a break-up and the doctor diagnosed me with Depression. He wrote me a prescription for an anti-depressant, patted me on the head and told me I would be fine. Well, after 12 years of being on Paxil I decided, with no input from a medical professional, that I need to stop taking it. I need to take my life and my feelings back. Thanks to Dr. Wayne Dyer, Joel Osteen and others I realized that I needed to heal myself, that there is something inside of me that is out of balance and I need to deal with it and move on. Paxil can't heal my broken spirit, only I can do that and in order to move forward into the life I am supposed to be living I need to pop the hood and find out what is wrong with my engine.

Paxil kept my inner self at bay, supressed those feelings that you are supposed to feel. I knew they were there but it was like having the sound turned off on my tv. Not so comfortably numb is the way I have been living my life for the past 12 years. What I didn't realize when I started taking an anti-depressant it is that those "feelings" good and bad, are there to help guide me. They are the compass on my road through life. Bad feeling means pull over and make sure you are on the right road. Good feeling means keep going in this direction. For me, anyway.

Today I am Paxil-free. I did research and my daughter consulted with someone who knows of pharmaceuticals. He was able to make recommendations for my transition from drugged to Paxil-free. The withdrawal is akin to visiting Satan at the gates of Hell but I am getting through it. One day at a time.

I am creative again. I didn't realize it until today but I started writing my blog on March 31st, a few weeks after I started Paxil withdrawal. I can feel and "hear" my inner self now. Not crazy-voices-in-my-head but my intuitive self is switched back on.

Now I am not delusional. I know I will have bad days, but I think I am ready for them. Remembering that feeling bad = out of balance, I know what I have to do now.

Please look into yourself for healing. You may find that you have everything you need to keep yourself in balance. I'm pretty sure God doesn't take anti-depressants. 
