
If You Hate, Don't Speak, Pass It On

If You Hate, Don't Speak, Pass It On

Yes, it is very sad that there is so much hate-speak.

I look forward to having this election over so people can move on with their lives and let go of this separatism. We are all in this life together and need to remember that we need each other. I think everyone forgets that we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We have a voice in how we are governed. Use it. Vote in all elections. If you don't like the way things are going, contact your representatives. Stop picking at each other, we all have the right to have our own ideas. Respect that. Compromise. Talk and compromise. Use your voice for good, not to put others down.

Oh and accept the outcome of the election, even if it is not what you wanted, and move on.

AND buy lunch for someone in the opposite party.

Pass it on.

Whole Earth Transition

Whole Earth Transition

Have I told you my theory about Whole Earth Transition? Ok, so you know what a transition is right? For those who don't, it's a period of time when your life is moving into a different direction. I tend to transition about every ten years. Still confused? Go back through your life and write down every major event. Got my period, had sex, got married.

I did this and realized that about every ten years, give or take, my life makes a major shift. Marriage, death, divorce, illness, every ten years, there it is. I either experience small adjustments throughout the transition period or it may happen in an instant. To answer your next question, yes, we are always in transition.

Go back to your worksheet. What is the distance in years between your major transitions? Mine is ten, transition time can be any measurement of time. Just for fun, see what your personal transition time is.

This year, somehow the whole earth is on the same transition path. We are all experiencing transitional changes at the same time.

Has this happened before? I don't know, I wasn't there. It is happening now and we need to deal with it.

I have learned a bit this time on this planet and it is that you do not fight transition. It is a done deal, this is happening. The best thing you can do for yourself if you haven't already learned this, is to "go with the flow." There is a plan in place that you are not privy to. You will end up where you are supposed to. And you will fare much better if you are flexible in your attitude toward change, especially change you are not happy with.

You should always listen to that still, small voice inside that says, BUT, WHAT ABOUT........that's what mine says, yours may use different verbiage. This is where I stop and weigh both sides. I choose the one that makes sense and "feels" right to me. Now, I am not saying that you will have an easy time if you choose the right door. Far from it, you have a mission and you need to complete it, like it or not. Make your choice using your intuition and go forward. What happens next is what was meant to happen. That's why we don't waste our time trying to out-guess the Universe. Sometimes you will be on target with your intuition, at other times, you may require adjustments, even though you thought for sure you were on the right track. You weren't, move on.

I had prior knowledge that a major change was coming. One of my ancestors from the Civil War Era, her name is Narcissus, and she is the child of my relation, a slave-owner, and her slave-mother. She told me during a reading on October 23, 2019, that our world is heading toward what her world is like. Civil War.

John Lennon told me on February 9, 2020, during a reading, that "I think you are moving into a time where censorship will be coming very soon. It's worrying, I think that this is perhaps a conversation that needs to be had as well."

I believe these comments from those passed over are referring to this time in our lives when we are all transitioning from what was to what is. We need to be nimble and move with the changes. It doesn't get you anywhere refusing to accept the present, it only holds you back from accepting and enjoying your life as it is supposed to be at this time.

Be nimble.

"Saying Goodbye"

"Saying Goodbye"

Sometimes we have to say goodbye to people in our lives who don't belong there. It's hard. Especially when you are related.

You can spend your whole life trying to make that square peg fit into that round hole and you are going to get the same thing if you try to make the other person love you; putting in a lot of effort and getting nowhere.

Some souls just aren't meant to fit, so what do you do when you are related to that person who will never mesh with you? Well? Right, not so easy to solve is it?

So, what do you do? Well, what are the choices?

Continue to try to make this person love you.
Give up trying to make this person love you and live your life.

These are the only two choices. Oh, you can come up with other selections, but these are the only real choices.

Ok, now, you are going to try both you know, just human nature.

So you choose loser number 1, "Continue to try to make this person love you." How long do we think this will take?

What? You have no idea? So there is unlimited time for you to wait?

Oh no, we must have a limit. Surely at some point, you will realize this isn't going to work out. How long does that take? 1 week, 1 month, 1 year?

You don't want to make that decision because that means you move onto choice 2 and you will have to let this go. What will you do without this to guide you in your relationships? Honestly, it may make you a happier person!

Some souls are not meant to be together in this lifetime, regardless of whether they are in your orbit or not. Just because someone is in your life, doesn't mean that is where they are supposed to be. Maybe they were just meant to be in your life for a moment or a year or a lifetime, we won't know. We just have to live our lives and accept whatever role other people play in our lives.

If I have learned anything from this human experience it is that everyone has their own agenda and regardless of what relation they are to you, even a child, they have their own path and must follow it. If you aren't part of that, so be it. Let go and let their soul fulfill their life goal. Who knows, maybe someday they will come back and you can fulfill what you feel is your life goal.

If not, then you just have to say goodbye.