
Donald Trump No Bullshit 16

Donald Trump No Bullshit

Donald J. Trump is my "inner-entrepreneur" as well as my "inner truth-teller". While most of my inner selves are fictional, based mainly on television characters, there are a few real folks who inspire me. Mr. Trump is one of those. He is a look-you-in-the-eye-and-tell-you-the-truth-kind of guy.  I admire that especially in this society of excuse givers and it's somebody else's fault-ers. You did it, you own it. You didn't do it, you own that too.

Most of the time I can go into myself and figure out an inner conflict. There are times though, that I can't seem to pull it all together enough to even get started. I have that "nagging feeling" or am out of sorts and a simple trip to Selfville isn't accomplishing my goal. That's when I go to the "Boardroom" or as I now call it the "Brainroom". 

I have found that by conducting a meeting with "myselves" and treating my unease like a work project, I can identify the problem and come to a solution, or at least move in the right direction. I use a whiteboard or poster paper, as opposed to typing on the 'puter. Just my preference. Let's get started.....

It's simple really.

1. Make the decision to go "inside" yourself in a big way.

2. Allow all of your facets a voice. This is not a time to block impressions even if they are negative. You have to have all information so you can analyze it later, if necessary.

3. Set a time limit, say one hour of uninterrupted space where you can just allow your mind to communicate.

4. Again write down every thought, every impression, free-writing........ no self-editing!

5. Stop when your time is up, or for me, I know I am done for now when either or both of these things happen.........I begin to go back and "edit" my comments and/or I feel a sense of relief. Just getting things out, identifying, sometimes creates a sense of relief or accomplishment.

6. Put your notes away. I can't tell you when to go back to them, you will know when you are ready to move forward and address your issues. This exercise just gives you a starting point for self-discovery.

There is one thing that I know I will not hear when I end this process. "You're Fired" is not an option. "You're Healed" is what I am looking for. And I will get to that eventually. It just takes time and patience. The very act of opening the dialog to your inner selves is a huge accomplishment. Putting your feelings into written words will allow you the opportunity to see where you are, where you are going, and if necessary, change direction.

Some folks journal, I call a meeting. After all, I'm not telling "The Donald" that I can't figure this out. Trumps don't quit and neither do I. Namaste.