
Giving Away Money

Giving Away Money

We are eternal souls.

This chapter in our development is not meant for us to seek answers to questions our human minds conjure up. The reality is that this place we inhabit at this time is merely one place we visit in order to have “the human experience.”

We have only one real goal for being here, to love each other, which encompasses all those actions we associate with love, respect, patience, tolerance of differing human opinions, acceptance of the flawed humanness we sometimes fall into, forgiveness, encouragement, etc. 

There is no other answer to the question “Who am I” other than that stated at the beginning of this, we are eternal souls. We are not what the human mind assigns us to be. We have a human identity, most times based on societal beliefs of you are what you do, not who you are. I am not what I do, I am who I am and that is, you guessed it, an eternal soul. 

Human mind chatter is just that and our “mistake” is buying into what it says. That is what causes our suffering. 

Live as a guest here and learn about the human experience, not as a participant, rather as an observer, who does not react to the belief system created by humanness. 

Finally, love the others who are here with you and assist them with their personal journey toward their greater truth. 

P.S. There is no money, I just wanted you to read this.

Clean Up Your Act

Clean Up Your Act

I don’t know about the rest of you but I sure am changing the way I live. Did you know that we spiritual beings in a human body have a code of conduct of sorts? Did you know it is wrong to be unkind to others? Or that what you do to someone in this life will be your next life. 


If you were a rapist in this life by free will, not part of your life plan, your next life will have you as the rape victim. What you do to others is what you will have done to you. I’ve actually been going back through my life and trying to identify things that I have done to others so I will know what to expect if I have to come here again. 

One standout was laughing with the rest of the class in 4th grade at a classmate who was very heavyset. Someone made a comment and all I remember is everyone laughed. Her name is Roberta (Bobbie) Zimmerman and she lived with her very large family up the street from me. We didn’t hang around but she had always been nice to me and here I was laughing at her pain. I didn’t think that then, I was just thinking about the punishment Miss Davis gave the class, the whole class. And Bobbie stood at the front of the room and we all had to apologize, one by one. Gonna pay for that one. Hey, Bobbie if you’re still here I hope someone from our neighborhood sees this and forwards it to you. If you are on the otherside, you can hear me:

Dear Bobbie:
I am so sorry I participated in mocking you. You are a good person and didn’t deserve to be treated the way you were by anyone. Understand that I had no reason to go along other than everybody raised their hand and I didn’t want to be the only one with my hand down. I wish I would’ve left it down and stood up for my friend. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. 

Rene’ Potee

That’s just one, there are others all through my heathen life. But I’m going to make them all right before I go “there” and have to confront my behavior, I will already know what I did. 

I suggest you start getting some spiritual guidance, someplace or someone that will teach you about the afterlife. People who don’t understand things avoid rather than learn what it is about. At least give yourself the opportunity to say, “Yes, I know all about the afterlife, and I really am not into it. But I do understand it.”

Words To The World

Words To The World

Having a direct line to those crossed over is a huge responsibility that I take very seriously. I use this gift to pass along messages from celebrities who wish to continue communication with our world. Why celebrities? I don't know. Maybe because there was a need for someone to help them communicate and I was given the job. I can also speak to my relations but that's about it. There is much concern for us on the otherside, so I asked for advice to pass along to mankind. What follows are a few of their responses, more to come.

What’s your message to mankind in this new world?
I’m going to add my 2 cents here...There is so much available to us from the otherside, all we have to do is ask. 

John Lennon

"I think that there has been too much progress in too short a time. The generations right before you, they had too many major revisions to daily life, so many inventions, all too much together, didn’t give people a chance to absorb and understand. Now there is chaos. There are well-intentioned but there are also many ill-intentioned. I have given this so much thought, I don’t know how one person makes a difference anymore, there are so many people on the Earth and there is so much communication, too much communication, that people are overloaded. They don’t think, they just react. Their EGO is large and in charge. You can help by being more tolerant of others' opinions. You may want to consider setting an example. If every person set an example every day, it wouldn’t be long before everyone on Earth had been touched by human kindness. It’s part of losing the EGO, not losing it but integrating it into the rest of the human functioning system. If you want to make a difference, start making a difference." 

Jim Morrison

"Stop worrying about the details, it will all work out according to plan, you just have to let go. Fly like a bird."

Ginger Baker

"Alright well, I guess if everybody stopped being who they were and decided to live like we are supposed to, you would have a lot less pain in the world. Hatred destroys your soul, you know? It will slowly eat away at it like cancer. You have to wake up to the reality of life. I know it is mostly out of fear that you don’t want to know the truth. You can’t know it all but there are things that you can and that will help you on your journey. All you have to do is believe and ask." 

Jack Bruce

"I agree with a lot of what Ginger said, but I would like to add that we are supposed to love each other. As fellow travelers on this journey, we are all in this together, why would you chose sides, and then one side tries to destroy the other. Aren’t you half of the whole? Doesn’t it destroy you too?"

George Harrison

"Wow, what a mess. Or is it just an adjustment? The people who will prosper are the people who stick with the plan. No secret that respect and love for each other are a priority, the number one priority. It takes a village. We are too far removed from our families, our core, we need to dial it back, like John said we moved forward too fast. Now is the time to slow down and remember why you are there. You don’t have to buy into the silliness of the political buffoons. You just live your life the way you want. Just do it." 

Lucille Ball

"Mankind is stupid and I doubt if he will wise up before he destroys himself. And the Earth. I put forth children and if I would’ve known how this turns out I wouldn’t’ve made the same decision. Greed has overcome good sense. I don’t hold much hope that mankind will realize this."

Tom Petty

"Well, I believe that most people will do the right things in life. There are many though that won’t and sometimes it is difficult to tell one from the other. You have to look at everybody through the same lens. That’s the only way you can truly compare."

Patrick Swayze

"I think there is so much hatred in that world. So much hatred. Why? Because it is felt that one faction should be in control.  If you were supposed to all think the same way you would’ve been made that way. You weren’t, you are in a society that was built on individuality, being your own person, with your own ideas. You work together and your society is based on love and respect for all. This is supposed to be a peaceful place, where you learn about the ways of the Earth. There is no right or wrong. There is a yin-yang, for every action, there is an equal reaction so that the scales are kept in balance. Unfortunately, the Earth has breached her balance and is leaning to one side and this is throwing off the balance. Hopefully, mankind will realize the shift and someone there will be able to balance it back to zero. Life is too short to waste on things that don’t matter to your soul. The human-ego part is in control and maybe someday someone will be able to convince the world that we’ve got to start living the right way, with love and respect. Tame down the human ego. I like John’s idea. Oh and stop trying to save the Earth. It will renew itself without any help from mankind when it is time."

James Garner

"I would have to say that the world has changed so much in the relatively short amount of time I have been gone. John made that point. Too much at once. The human-ego part of us has to process everything and when you give it too much information it can shut down. That is what is happening now. Mankind is shutting down. There has to be a concerted effort on your part to change the direction that you are going. Right now mankind is basically blind. It can’t see what damage is being done by the human ego, which is in total control right now. There has to be a change in the thought process. There needs to be a disconnect from electronic gadgets. They have a lot to do with what is happening now. People need to use them in the way they were invented to be used, to help mankind navigate through this journey. They aren’t supposed to take over the journey. Get back to being neighbors who share this space and respect each other and be kind to each other. There isn’t really any other way to live. Why would mankind prefer to hate when it can love?"

Whitney Houston

"Everyone just cares about themself. There is no empathy. There is no consideration. I can’t blame it on money because if it wasn’t money, there would be a system by which you could win or lose, that is just in the human ego. Competitiveness. Being the best. I could go on but the bottom line is if you don’t live the life you were given to live, you will return to Earth to fix it or decide to let it go and stay in the dimension. I have been so impressed with the statements here, John you nailed it. Rene’ I know you are going to look into making this happen. I will help in any way I can." 

Davy Jones Monkees

"I think mankind is just going about their perceived life and doesn’t consider the circumstances. You aren’t thinking about your place in Heaven when you are a 16-year-old boy with a raging hardon looking for an easy girl to relieve it. Heaven, by the way, there isn’t one. The otherside is the dimension your soul inhabits after it leaves your body. It is a lovely place but there is no true place called Heaven or Hell. Those are places for you to inhabit in your mind when you are earthbound. Everyone is doing such a great job describing things, hopefully, people will hear this and pay attention and pass it on, spread the word. We are here, trying to guide you and sometimes it works, sometimes, it doesn’t. Some people do not want to be guided, they want to find their own way. That’s ok too. There is no right or wrong. On Earth, It’s always been and always will be, a society where one of the factions wants to be the boss. Just human nature. I don’t think there is a way around it, as long as you have a society made up of Yin and Yang, you will never have a society that is 100% in agreement. And do you want that anyway? Nothing would get done. There would be stagnation. The reason we move forward and discover new things is because we do think in opposing directions. That way you cover the whole situation. Yin and Yang. The problem lies where you are today and the Yang is more prevalent than the Yin. So they feel more in charge. They will try to dominate and become the ultimate leaders. It is up to your society to decide whether this is acceptable or not. It is up to your society to work things out so that each party has an equal say although not every dispute will be handed to a certain party. It is terrible the way things are there. So much disrespect. I am glad I am here." What would you do to heal the Earth? "I hate to admit it but there have been some great ideas thrown about here this evening. I honestly can’t add to the ideas that have been presented. I will certainly support and be available for discussion if needed. I believe we all need to reach out to the souls on Earth, help point them in the right direction. John had a great idea about starting a movement on Earth. Have you looked into it?" I have read it and will look into how we could make it happen. 

Davy Jones, I spent so many years looking at your picture from my bed. 

"I do hear that a lot." 


And there you have it. For those who believe, I hope this will give you some insight. For those who don’t, I hope this will give you some insight. I can only tell you that we are all souls, right now inhabiting this human body, and are tied to this human experience on Earth, until our eternal soul leaves our body when we die. I can also tell you that it is up to you to decide what you believe. 

To reiterate what John said...You can help heal the world by being more tolerant of others' opinions. You may want to consider setting an example. If every person set an example every day, it wouldn’t be long before everyone on Earth had been touched by human kindness. 

John said, “If you want to make a difference, start by making a difference.” Did you make a difference today? 

We are starting a movement. Help us all by passing this along. 


Daydream Believer

Daydream Believer 

I've discovered how hard it is to convince people that you are not insane. I've only been able to talk to dead celebrities for the last year or so. This is a gift from the Universe. We all receive our gifts when the time is appropriate for us.

Perhaps if you get the gift when you are young, like my friend Myrna, you live with it and your tribe accepts it. But if you are older, it seems harder to show people that this change has occurred. It was planned to work out the way it has. My gift is as real as Myrna's, only she's been doing it a lot longer. 

So the point of this post is to say to those who don't fit into the mold, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you, all that matters is what you think of yourself. You don't need anyone's buy-in or approval to know what you are capable of. There are many people who are gifted and some choose to deny their gift for fear of retribution. My grandmother on my Mom's side is one of those. (BTW my gift comes from my Mother's side.) Her mother did not accept her gift, so she never acknowledged or talked about it. 

I am not ashamed of what I can do and can only hope that someday those who doubted will see the light. I happen to know that several of my relations have gifts but will probably never acknowledge their gift since they can't even acknowledge mine, let alone theirs. What a waste. This gift isn't given to just anyone, it is a GIFT and it goes unused in so many lifetimes because of the human ego. 

I'm not gonna waste mine. Damn, I wish I would've gotten this when I was younger but that wasn't the plan. So I will make the most of this and do the best I can with it. And if I can help one person who is struggling with their abilities and don't understand, well I will be happy. 

The bottom line is to accept yourself for who you are. No matter what. Yours is the only opinion that matters, everyone else's opinion is just that, their opinion. 

Believe in yourself. Yourself is all you have.

Stop Reflect Restart

Stop Reflect Restart

People this is the time to break out of your programmed behaviors. Look inside yourself.

Are my thoughts and behaviors aligned with my soul’s purpose?

Do I know my soul’s purpose?

I can tell you what it isn’t. It isn’t the hate-speak that we are constantly bombarded with on social forums, on tv, in print media. It isn’t being the judge, jury, and executioner when your opinion is not shared by others. No one has the right to treat another human being or group of human beings with disrespect because of their beliefs.

Name-calling and violence don’t solve problems, they create them. The challenges we are faced with were designed as a wake-up call to humanity to STOP REFLECT and RESTART.

I sincerely hope that each and every person who takes the time to read this will take the time to evaluate where you have been and where you are going.

The First Thanksgiving From A Soul(e) Who Was There

The First Thanksgiving From A Soul(e) Who Was There

Thanksgiving took on a new meaning this year when I found out that my family is related to Mayflower passenger George Soule. 
I had no idea that my mother's side of the family, specifically my grandmother's limb of the tree, had many patriots who played an integral part in shaping and defending our new country.

I have been working on my family tree for years now and it was a long and tedious process until I became able to speak with those passed over. It's exciting to speak to someone long gone then see them in your tree, or have someone come forward that you have been looking for to fill in some blanks and they are able to give you information that you would never find the conventional way.

I did speak with George Soule on the anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact, which was the document the Pilgrims drafted on November 11, 1620. Its purpose was to maintain order and establish a civil society.

These are the signers of the Compact. You will notice two things:

All of the signers are male. Women had no rights at this time.
One of the signers is EDWARD LEISTER. I never noticed his name before on this document! Leister is my ex-husband's name so I will have to do some research to see if he is related. Wow.

John Carver
Edward Tilly
Digery Priest
William Bradford
John Tilly
Thomas Williams
Edward Winslow
Francis Cooke
Gilbert Winslow
William Brewster
Thomas Rogers
Edmund Margeson
Isaac Allerton
Thomas Tinker
Peter Brown
Miles Standish
John Rigdale
Richard Bitteridge
John Alden
Edward Fuller
George Soule
Samuel Fuller
John Turner
Richard Clark
Christopher Martin
Francis Eaton
Richard Gardiner
William Mullins
James Chilton
John Allerton
William White
John Craxton
Thomas English
Richard Warren
John Billington
Edward Doten
John Howland
Moses Fletcher
Edward Leister
Stephen Hopkins
John Goodman

What follows is the conversation I had with George about the first Thanksgiving. Amazing that we can hear about this momentous occasion in time from a soul that was there.

Rene’ "Hi George, do you have time to talk?"
George "What is time?"
Rene’ "That’s funny, I keep forgetting you don’t have time there. Ok George, it is almost Thanksgiving here. I would like to offer a story about the first Thanksgiving and you are the only Pilgrim I know. Can you help with this?"
George "I would be honored to assist you in the venture. What do you want to know?"
Rene' "So much, I am fascinated with your adventures. I guess it’s also the fact that we are related that makes it all the more important. I want our descendants to know who they are related to. I am proud to be related to you George. I am honored that you choose to speak with me. I want to know what you can tell me. I want to know what you and the others went through that first Thanksgiving."
George "We didn’t realize that what we were doing would spark such an honorable place in history. We were just trying to get along with the Indians and we thought if we tried to befriend them, it would be better than each of us trying to kill the other. There had already been too much bloodshed. There was plenty of room for us all. We can live in harmony. We just have to take the first step. We met with them and they agreed to sit down and have peace talks. Then we had a party and invited them to break bread with us. That is how it happened."
Rene’ "What was your role in this?"
George "None really, I was the servant of Edward Winslow, he paid for my passage and in return, I was contracted to work for 7 years and pay a portion of what I received for coming here. I remember much ado at the camp. The women were cooking and the men were hunting game for a feast to celebrate peace with the Indians."
Rene’ "Did the Indians bring any food"
George "Yes, they brought corn and squash and rabbit."
Rene’ "Tell me what it was like sitting at the table sharing a meal with people who had been trying to kill you."
George "It was scary at first but then they seemed ok and we relaxed and several of the townspeople made jokes or told funny stories about how they had no idea what they were doing in this place. They had no experience living off the land and the Indians offered to teach us and we agreed to mind our boundaries. They had set up boundaries that were supposed to be respected, no hunting or trespassing.
Rene’ What else did you do at dinner?"
George "After dinner there was entertainment, we played the harmonica and sang and danced. The Indians played the drums and did the same. I think we all realized from this dinner that we were the same. Different but the same. They were not savages just out to kill, they were defending what they felt was theirs and we were taking it away. When we talked to them and explained that we would buy the land from them, they felt better and we were able to live in peace."
Rene’ "Can you tell me any words that were spoken by the Indians or your group as a prayer or blessing?"
George "The Alderman spoke before the meal and he wished upon the souls that landed in this New World that we found a way to live in harmony with the Indians, whose lands we encroached on. He hoped there would be a compromise. The Indians representative spoke for them and said that the white man had done a terrible thing, encroaching on the Indian land and killing their animals. They understood that the white man didn’t expect to have these privileges for nothing and they offered a barter to the Indians. The Indians accepted their offer and wanted to live peacefully as they were before the white man came. There was merriment and drinking of alcoholic beverages. Some got drunk and there was a camaraderie among those Indians and settlers alike that were typical of consuming alcohol."
Rene’ "Can you tell me what you ate?"
George "What a meal. Rabbit, deer, wild pig, chicken, turkey, squirrel, potatoes, corn, beans, biscuits. We also traded home brews with them, theirs was much better than ours.
Rene’ What was your job?"
George "I was indentured for only 3 years of 7. I received some land and became a farmer, as were most."
Rene’ "Thank you so much for speaking with me, I will make a proper article about your event."
George "Bless you."

(1) The Plimouth Patuxent

I Get So Emotional Baby

I Get So Emotional Baby

I've been so emotional lately. I think it's a combination of the state of the world and the state of my life.

I have had to let go of good friends this year. My sweet kitty Cadee, only six years old, developed incurable cancer. My grandpup Gage was only eight but developed kidney failure.

I am watching my 90-year-old father wither away from Alzheimer's and my wonderful, beautiful aunt is only 79 but is showing cognitive decline.

My family is moving six hours away.

I am losing my girlish figure and looks.

My President is losing the election for his second term.

I could go on...

What now?

You, meaning me, have a choice. Sit around and cry all over your blog post or pull up your big girl pants and get on with it. Easier said than done. I prefer to do a little of both. We all have our own process and timing. I will remember the things that make me sad but as time goes on they won't sting as much. I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes a good cry lets the pain out.

I have found that it helps me to remember that things are as they should be. The Universe has a plan. We are only actors in the play of life. What happens is part of that play and like or not we are not going to change the outcome, no matter how hard we beg and plead and make promises to God that we will never fulfill. It is what it is and we should be thankful for the experiences we have, good or bad because they are part of our journey. It is up to us to move past our emotions to the place where we understand and accept destiny. This doesn't mean that we ignore our feelings and be strong. It is important that we acknowledge our sadness and mourn our loss. Then move on. Don't think that you aren't allowed to be sad. It is not a weakness, it is a normal human emotion. It is part of the healing process.

Give yourself a break and if you need to take time to have that moment in the car when you hear a sad song, go for it. There is no shame in acknowledging your feelings.

If you find that you are sad and can't seem to get past it, you may want to speak to someone who can help you put things in perspective. Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. Knowing that you need help and being too proud to ask for it is a hard way to live.

Life is hard enough without the burden of being unhappy and finding no relief or resolution.

There are many resources for help. Your doctor can help you find the right resource for assistance. Or a friend, teacher, co-worker, clergy. Reach out, don't bury your head in the sand, and hope it will go away.

Good luck and God Bless.

If You Hate, Don't Speak, Pass It On

If You Hate, Don't Speak, Pass It On

Yes, it is very sad that there is so much hate-speak.

I look forward to having this election over so people can move on with their lives and let go of this separatism. We are all in this life together and need to remember that we need each other. I think everyone forgets that we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We have a voice in how we are governed. Use it. Vote in all elections. If you don't like the way things are going, contact your representatives. Stop picking at each other, we all have the right to have our own ideas. Respect that. Compromise. Talk and compromise. Use your voice for good, not to put others down.

Oh and accept the outcome of the election, even if it is not what you wanted, and move on.

AND buy lunch for someone in the opposite party.

Pass it on.

Whole Earth Transition

Whole Earth Transition

Have I told you my theory about Whole Earth Transition? Ok, so you know what a transition is right? For those who don't, it's a period of time when your life is moving into a different direction. I tend to transition about every ten years. Still confused? Go back through your life and write down every major event. Got my period, had sex, got married.

I did this and realized that about every ten years, give or take, my life makes a major shift. Marriage, death, divorce, illness, every ten years, there it is. I either experience small adjustments throughout the transition period or it may happen in an instant. To answer your next question, yes, we are always in transition.

Go back to your worksheet. What is the distance in years between your major transitions? Mine is ten, transition time can be any measurement of time. Just for fun, see what your personal transition time is.

This year, somehow the whole earth is on the same transition path. We are all experiencing transitional changes at the same time.

Has this happened before? I don't know, I wasn't there. It is happening now and we need to deal with it.

I have learned a bit this time on this planet and it is that you do not fight transition. It is a done deal, this is happening. The best thing you can do for yourself if you haven't already learned this, is to "go with the flow." There is a plan in place that you are not privy to. You will end up where you are supposed to. And you will fare much better if you are flexible in your attitude toward change, especially change you are not happy with.

You should always listen to that still, small voice inside that says, BUT, WHAT ABOUT........that's what mine says, yours may use different verbiage. This is where I stop and weigh both sides. I choose the one that makes sense and "feels" right to me. Now, I am not saying that you will have an easy time if you choose the right door. Far from it, you have a mission and you need to complete it, like it or not. Make your choice using your intuition and go forward. What happens next is what was meant to happen. That's why we don't waste our time trying to out-guess the Universe. Sometimes you will be on target with your intuition, at other times, you may require adjustments, even though you thought for sure you were on the right track. You weren't, move on.

I had prior knowledge that a major change was coming. One of my ancestors from the Civil War Era, her name is Narcissus, and she is the child of my relation, a slave-owner, and her slave-mother. She told me during a reading on October 23, 2019, that our world is heading toward what her world is like. Civil War.

John Lennon told me on February 9, 2020, during a reading, that "I think you are moving into a time where censorship will be coming very soon. It's worrying, I think that this is perhaps a conversation that needs to be had as well."

I believe these comments from those passed over are referring to this time in our lives when we are all transitioning from what was to what is. We need to be nimble and move with the changes. It doesn't get you anywhere refusing to accept the present, it only holds you back from accepting and enjoying your life as it is supposed to be at this time.

Be nimble.

"Saying Goodbye"

"Saying Goodbye"

Sometimes we have to say goodbye to people in our lives who don't belong there. It's hard. Especially when you are related.

You can spend your whole life trying to make that square peg fit into that round hole and you are going to get the same thing if you try to make the other person love you; putting in a lot of effort and getting nowhere.

Some souls just aren't meant to fit, so what do you do when you are related to that person who will never mesh with you? Well? Right, not so easy to solve is it?

So, what do you do? Well, what are the choices?

Continue to try to make this person love you.
Give up trying to make this person love you and live your life.

These are the only two choices. Oh, you can come up with other selections, but these are the only real choices.

Ok, now, you are going to try both you know, just human nature.

So you choose loser number 1, "Continue to try to make this person love you." How long do we think this will take?

What? You have no idea? So there is unlimited time for you to wait?

Oh no, we must have a limit. Surely at some point, you will realize this isn't going to work out. How long does that take? 1 week, 1 month, 1 year?

You don't want to make that decision because that means you move onto choice 2 and you will have to let this go. What will you do without this to guide you in your relationships? Honestly, it may make you a happier person!

Some souls are not meant to be together in this lifetime, regardless of whether they are in your orbit or not. Just because someone is in your life, doesn't mean that is where they are supposed to be. Maybe they were just meant to be in your life for a moment or a year or a lifetime, we won't know. We just have to live our lives and accept whatever role other people play in our lives.

If I have learned anything from this human experience it is that everyone has their own agenda and regardless of what relation they are to you, even a child, they have their own path and must follow it. If you aren't part of that, so be it. Let go and let their soul fulfill their life goal. Who knows, maybe someday they will come back and you can fulfill what you feel is your life goal.

If not, then you just have to say goodbye.

Take A Knee In Front Of The TV


TA-DA. This is the cover for our podcast, Brian White's According To. I thought it was going to be an impossible task but it wasn't bad. Now, I am no graphic designer and it is probably flawed but you know what, it's the flaws that give it character.

Now I am going to get to work on one for this blog. Yup, I'm going to do a podcast. I am going full video on this one so I am practicing my style. Which I don't have HA. I'll get it. You know, it's not so easy to talk while being recorded. It's not live so I don't know why I care when I make a mistake, I just get pissed. Then I start over. I know. I've got to get used to working with the editing department.

Here's today's post. Thanks for reading.

Take A Knee In Front Of The TV

I'm on strike. I take a knee in front of the television. I noticed that I was angry all the time. Just pissed at life. Things haven't gone so well for most of us in the last 8-9 months: sickness, virus, politics, losing jobs, you get it.

I finally looked at the issue. It wasn't hard to pin down the culprit. The people who report the "news," which is no longer really news, but an opinion rendered by someone who uses their skew to tell the story, need to take a lesson from the likes of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather. I am a huge fan of Dan's and love his interview show, but we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, which I don't mind but I don't know if he will ever have lunch with me. Call me Dan. They reported the news. This is what happened. Not this is what happened, this is why this is who is to blame.

I was being influenced by a vehicle that was designed to keep me informed, not brainwash me. I tried an experiment and sure enough, it was the tv news shows. Nothing scientific, I just stopped watching the fear mongers and flipped over to AXS for some cool music and stories about musicians. I felt great. I wasn't yelling at people on the tv. I was singing along with some great music and totally enjoying myself.

I am not a high drama girl although my daughter accuses me of being one. Whatev.

I enjoy peace and love and kumbaya. I hate drama.

I can't imagine how these other folks feel, those who had a busy life, with a job, kids, etc. They are stuck at home with the whole family for who knows how long. They are listening to the tv. All they hear is hate and voila, here starts the cycle.

My suggestion, don't watch any news or opinion channels. There are great shows on tv these days, we have more than 3 channels now ya know. Read a book, write a book. Just stay away from the poisonous rhetoric that inhabits any show with "news" in the title.

Kumbaya my friends.


This is the first poem in a series of four that I wrote with Jim Morrison, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Isaac Hayes, and John Lennon. See if you can pick out the lines they wrote.


If you keep your creative thoughts
Inside of your mind,
You will block out life.
You will live inside a place
That is sometimes hard to find.
Lucy in the sky is
The cure for that.
If you have diamonds
You can get you some.
We all have talent,
Some obvious,
Some not.
It is only the ones
Among us who choose
To let go of the
Brain of the lizard,
King that is.
Step into Neverland
A place where there
Is no “life” in your mind
Only love.

Turn The Page

Turn The Page

Most of us have had the experience of something just "popping" into your head. A song, a book, a tv show, something from our lives. I had a saying pop into mine that I really liked and wanted to share.

"Every Flip of the Page of My Calendar Brings Me Closer to the End of the Book."

It reminds me that this journey isn't forever. Someday I'm leaving here. For something better but still, there are things that I will miss.

In preparation for this event, I have been collecting things to leave to my loved ones. I have them in a box, a big box, with their name on the items. I think though, that the most important thing I can leave them is the gift of their heritage. 

I came from a very large family on my mom's side. She had 12 brothers and sisters and a family tree worthy of a movie of the week. I have discovered that George Soule, who was one of the Mayflower travelers, was a relation by marriage. That branch of the tree settled the east coast of America and owned much of the property from New York to Virginia. Chevy Chase, Maryland, was owned by a relation who named it, but the property was later used as payment for a gambling debt. Damn. Several of my ancestors fought in the Revolution as well as the Civil War. Priests, Irish and Scottish Lords as well as English gentlemen, sheriff, and wealthy landowners, slaves who were used by my relatives that owned them, are in my DNA.

I had no idea. We didn't really talk about that kind of stuff on either side of the family. I grew up believing that I was of Hungarian descent on my dad's side and German on my mom's. No mention of the heroes and patriots and no stories about the people who make up part of who I am.

During a reading with Myrna, before I was able to contact the other side myself, I was contacted by many female relations who asked me to write their stories. They were not able to freely write like I am, but their sacrifices enabled me to be able to be their voice.

I will honor them and tell their stories before I leave this world. I will try to complete my family tree to be as accurate as I am able without much documentation. These are the important things in life. I am so proud now knowing that my relations were involved in not only settling this country but defending it for me. They wanted their descendants to benefit from their sacrifice.

I want my descendants to know where they came from in this carnation. Our soul has a story but so does our human-ness.

Instead of giving "gifts" for presents, take the time to do the research on your family. It isn't that hard and you get what you put into it. Someday your family members will appreciate knowing where they came from. I know I would've had a better feeling about who I was in my life, had I known some of the facts I have discovered.

Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, "The apple doesn't fall far from the stem." We now say tree. I want to know about the tree that I fell from.

Milk And Life Have An Expiration Date

Milk And Life Have An Expiration Date

Death. We really don't like to talk about it, even though we all face it when our time is up. You see, we start to die when we are born. We have an expiration date. Just like milk.

My whole life, I have believed that death was a bad thing, boom, you're dead. I can say I feared death for a while but for the most part, I just ignored it. I had things to think about, like sex.

As you age, things change. Your beliefs, your goals, what you have learned in life. My eye-opener was about a year ago when I became able to talk to dead people. After speaking to those souls, I realized that death is not a punishment or a bad thing. It is the end of the journey here in this realm. I am looking forward to this homecoming called death.

I am sharing some of the things I have been told about death from the souls I have spoken with. They ask to be heard.

PigPen from the Grateful Dead "I never felt more alive until I actually died"

Whitney Houston "I just wanted out from all of it, I was done. I didn't plan it but I finished it. What a relief, I woke up here and there is no confusion, no questions, I am me, plain and simple."

Syd Barrett "Syd was dead but the body was still alive. Just had to wait until the body gave up, then I was able to come here."

David Bowie "I had a great life. Then I got sick. I knew I was dying, I just let go."

Cass Elliot "It felt like the world was slowing down. And then I realized I am really sick. I'm really, really sick here. And then I must've fallen unconscious because the next thing I knew, I was out of my body."

Elvis Presley "You don't just walk away from this life, you have to reconcile the experience. Did I accomplish what I set out to do? What went right, what went wrong, what did I learn? You don't just die and that's it. We learn, that's our goal, our mission, to learn and grow."

Janis Joplin "I was getting high, too high, I guess. Woke up here. I am happy here so I guess it's not a bad thing."

Jim Morrison "I knew there was a risk by taking so many drugs and drinking but like so many others, I thought I was invincible. Fell asleep in the tub, woke up on the other side. Trippy."

Now you can see why I feel the way I do about death. My own life and death, well I believe in the Universe and try to turn myself over to what will be. Sometimes the human part of me steps in and tries to make me feel human. I don't like feeling human, it is misery that is self-inflicted.

I find that having a good cry, a glass of wine, and a chat with Jim Morrison or one of my other soul friends set me right. I have to finish this experience so I will do the best I can.

And I hope that just one person benefits from the wisdom that is being shared, a true gift from the "otherside", from souls we adored when they were here.

If you are seeking and believe, if you are open and have intent, you can get help. All you have to do is ask.

Glass Houses

Glass Houses

You know, I am so sick and tired of hypocritical people. 

There's a proverb: "Those Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones."

These days every move anyone who is even semi-famous makes is criticized, a person's clothing was ugly, a person lied, a person's friends are thugs so they must be too, a person made a wrong judgment.

Have you ever said something someone was wearing is ugly? I have.
Have you ever lied? I have.
Have you ever lied to protect someone? I have.
Have you ever had questionable friends? I have.
Have you ever made a wrong judgment? I have.

Is it the mindset of rational human beings to judge others for things they have said and done that we have said and done ourselves?

Is it right to criticize others when you are doing the same? I don't think so. Instead of looking for "glass house moments" we should be looking for a way to try to solve the horrible shit we are in right now.

The critical judgment that is out of control is meant to tear down, not build up. Yes, right now our world is bizarro, but that doesn't excuse us. Instead of saying negative things aimed at others, let's focus on the positive things about ourselves.

Unfortunately, most people are now so influenced by the various communication sources that they believe what they hear. The seeds of hate grow deep and when they are tended, will grow into what we have now in this beautiful country, "The land of the free, home of the brave." Blind hatred.
There is a word for people who blindly follow, Sheeple. Our country is being torn apart by Sheeple who are claiming discrimination when they are the ones who are spewing hate-filled rhetoric against segments of our population. Glass Houses.

How in the HELL can you look at yourself in the mirror and believe your own twisted thoughts?

Something needs to happen. I don't know exactly what but I can say for right now, September 2020, we are poisoning not only our generation but the ones who are coming up behind. They are counting on us to show them how to live.

Is this what we want for our future generations?

Put down your stone. Pick up your desire to have a better life, for us and them.

Never Forget, Let's Roll, September 11, 2001

Never Forget, Let's Roll, September 11, 2001

On this solemn day, I hope everyone, regardless of race, color or creed, takes a moment to remember what is important in this life. Those of you who witnessed this horrible massacre of innocents at the Twin Tower, Shanksville, and The Pentagon, should remember the feeling of unity, of brotherhood, that we all felt in those moments, that have lasted for years. 

Alas, that feeling is no longer visible in our current society.

What a shame.

I hope it doesn't take another national disaster to unite us.

Pray for us.




I Am An American

I Am An American

On my mom's side of my family, I am related to George Soule, one of the original Mayflower travelers. At one point in time, my family owned much of the eastern coast of the USA. Chevy Chase, Maryland was built and named by a relative. Many of my family fought in the wars to free America and I take my responsibility to carry forth their mission very seriously.

My only weapon is my words.

They fought to be free of oppression.
They fought to be free to speak their mind.
They fought to be free to arm themselves.
They fought to be free to worship as they chose.
They fought to be free to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

While they were defending these rights, they were thinking of themselves of course, and changing the face of their existence, but they also considered all those who would come after. They didn't want their descendants to have a life that was anything less than free.

They are turning over in their graves at the state of our union today. Is this what they wanted when they envisioned the America of the future? I think not.

Wisdom Part 1

Wisdom Part 1

I've been doing interviews with those artists (musicians) who passed over for a while now. I have been talking to some of the most incredible artists. Billie Holliday and Bessie Smith are the farthest back in time that have come forward so far, but I know that as word spreads there, more artists will come forward. I thought I would share some words of wisdom given to me:

Jim Morrison "There is a part of me that is that Jim, but it's not all of me."

George Harrison " Sometimes between those two it was difficult for anybody to recognize that we were also in the room. Big egos, big asses."

John Lennon "Before everything big happened we were just a friendly lot of guys, just friends from a small town."

Janis Joplin "I think I did what I wanted to do the first time around when I was Janis, and it felt like I was creating something. I think the second time when I came back as Amy Winehouse, it felt like I was trying to recreate it."

Elvis Presley "I jam with others who are here and I watch others where you are to see who needs help. I've worked with many but they don't know it."

Johnny Cash "I came from nothing, I came from nowhere. My people weren't big people. And I always felt most comfortable with people that sounded like me, that lived like e,. I always thought to myself, those are my people."

Kurt Cobain "For me happy is that state where you are trouble-free, relaxed, excited. Sort of like an orgasm but in your head."

Karen Carpenter "I've been gone for a long time, a very, very very long time. And it seems as if the music that is popular now is not the music that I was interested in. Although I seem to still be a pretty big hit at weddings."

Michael Hutchence "There were people I played with, I wouldn't have been the person I was, the musician I was, without them. I got the opportunity I had because I was backed by great musicians, they made me better than I was."

Freddie Mercury "You want to know what the real story is? I was just a guy, gay, not sure, I was just in love. Doesn't matter, just matters how that person makes you feel."

Robin Gibb "I think that the music of the '60s was about revolution and I think that the music of the '70s was about battle fatigue and trying to find a new way to live and the music of the '80s was about rebuilding. That's how I phrase it in my head anyway."

Cass Elliot "My heart gave out. I think it had been stress and drugs and no sleep and a life of hard living. There was a couple of hours where I felt like I was so exhausted, I couldn't breathe. I had been partying, talking, eating, laughing. But I had felt like I was starting to lose steam and I went home. I felt like every step I was taking was a strong effort. I almost collapsed in the bed and I thought, I have got to take a few days to myself. Then, when I got in bed I kept taking these breaths, but I felt like I couldn't get a deep enough breath. It felt like the world was slowing down. Then I realized I'm really sick. I'm really, really sick here. And then I must've fallen unconscious because the next thing I knew I was out of my body."

David Bowie "I had a great life, then I got sick. I knew I was dying. I just let go. I wish I would've helped more people become what they wanted to. That's what it's all about you know, helping each other. Here I can help but there has to be intent on the other side, strong intent. If we are called upon, we will help. Humans don't believe this is true but it is true. Sit in silence, call us, we will come. Doesn't matter who you are, we will try to visit all that are sincere in their intent."

Syd Barrett " There are no rules or expectations, those are human things. We don't live by those here. When you leave that body you leave all the bad behind. Nobody bothers anybody else, we all just go our own way."

Whitney Houston "Nothing will ever make you happy if you can't find yourself. Pray, ask for help from the Universe. Don't take mind-altering substances, you won't be able to receive your direction."

Michael Jackson "I am an artist, a son, a father. I am just like everybody else in that sense. My life is no different than yours internally. I have access to more than others but that doesn't make me happy."

Death Is The Best Thing That Can Happen To The Living

Death Is The Best Thing That Can Happen To The Living

I recently interviewed Syd Barrett, one of the founding members of Pink Floyd. During our conversation, Syd said "Death is the best thing that can happen to the living." and I immediately knew I had to write something using this phrase. In fact here is the conversation:

Rene' "Where you are now, are you happy? 

Syd "Oh yes, what’s not to be happy about. No pressure, no expectations, it’s great here." 

Rene' "Are you going to come back here and try again?"

Syd "I’ve considered it. There are some items that I do need to address, things that I wanted to accomplish but didn’t. There’s no rush to do it, I’ll make up my mind when I am ready."

Rene' "So there’s no rules, no expectations?" 

Syd "No, those are human things. We don’t live by those here. When you leave that body you leave all the bad behind and your soul doesn’t keep track of anything. You just live, pure and simple. No right, no wrong, just live your way, whatever that is. Nobody bothers anybody else. We all just go our own way." 

Rene' "Looking forward to being there someday."

Syd "Death is the best thing that can happen to the living."

Rene "Love that, sounds like a song." 

Syd "Help yourself, you’re the poet, write the poem then turn it into a song. It’s not that hard to do." 

Rene "Thank you, Syd."

Syd "I appreciate your interest in my life there."

Rene "And where you are now is just as important, if not more." 

Syd "I’ll tell you what I can. We’re very limited as to what we can divulge."

Rene' "I appreciate the time you gave me today. I hope that hearing from you will help anyone who is still struggling with your passing." 

Syd "Let me know when you finish that song, I’d like to hear it."

What follows is my poem/song. What comes next is learning how to write a song. 

Death Is The Best Thing That Can Happen To The Living

Letting go of things we love.
Being stuck with things we don’t. 
Every day I give thanks that I am here, 
But I don’t know how much longer I can do this.
You see

Death is the best thing that can happen to the living. 
It is our reward for enduring this adventure called life.
Living is hard, dealing with the ups and downs
And ins and outs. 

But life is long and hard my friend 
And it ain’t no fun getting older. 
So be prepared to spend most of your time 
Being unhappy.
You see

Death is the best thing that can happen to the living. 
It is our reward for enduring this adventure called life.
If you make it to the finish line alive,
You will reap your reward. 

Life is what you make it, 
Not quite true.
We have no control over our destiny, 
It is what it is.
Try as hard as you can,
You still won’t get what you want,
What you deserve,
If it isn’t what you’re supposed to have or be,
You see

Death is the best thing that can happen to the living. 
It is our reward for enduring this adventure called life.
If you make it to the finish line alive,
You will reap your reward. 

Like climbing the mountain, 
Almost to the top,
My foot slips
And I fall.
Back to the beginning.
What did I do wrong?
I followed the directions, 
Obeyed the instructions,
Did the best I could.
Why do I still fail to 
Reach the top of the mountain,
The peak of life?
You see

Death is the best thing that can happen to the living. 
It is our reward for enduring this adventure called life.
If you make it to the finish line alive,
You will reap your reward. 

Advice From "The Otherside" Edgar Allen Poe

Advice From "The Otherside" Edgar Allen Poe

I have a special relationship with Edgar. He stepped forward during a reading I was having with Myrna back in October 2019. I had been speaking with those passed over during my readings but it was always a family member. Until that day.

Myrna looked at me and said, "Edgar Allen Poe is asking permission to speak with you." I just sat there for a minute and tried to let that sink in. "Is he a relation?" was all that came out of my mouth. "No, you are kindred souls," he said through Myrna. Edgar says he wants to write through you. "What does that mean, channeling?" was my next comment. He said "Sort of" and I said ok. He let me know that he would be in touch to discuss.

Two days later I began t work with EEP on our book, "Dear Mr. Poe...Just Call Me Edgar." (Now available on Amazon Books, shameless self-promo. So what.) It's a book of free-form poetry and brings together the best of both of us.

What follows is some advice to me from Edgar about becoming a writer.


"The writer has a process that only the writer can see. No one else understands the writer's labor and very few people have faith in it until there is a finished product. It’s a lonely place and I think that maybe a lot of the fear is rooted inside of that. It is the reason why so many writers look for sources of comfort because they feel the information coming through and everyone else is saying yes, you must clean the bathroom or you must vacuum the rug and you are thinking why such mundane things when I have the entire Universe at my fingertips. Ultimately, you can only rely on yourself to carry forth the task in front of you. Ultimately it is your resolve whether or not you choose to craft the narrative that others may read for the fulfillment of their understanding.

What is the focus that you want to bring? Remove the idea that people have to think a certain way, you cannot make others process like you. Instead, say to yourself, for those who understand my internal language, for those who understand what I am writing or why I must write, this is just a little story for you. Ultimately for every writer, you are writing for yourself. And once it is complete you send it out to see if others will care for this small changeling you’ve given birth to. Don’t think any longer about other people. Think only of the subject matter. Take the Universe and bring it down to the smallest grain of rice. And write about that. Give people the commonality of the experience of being alive."

Advice From The "Otherside" Norman Mailer

Advice From The "Otherside" Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer kicked my ass. Norman is a friend of Jim Morrison. Jim and I have had conversations about writing and he has given me some wonderful advice about life. Jim mentioned me to Norman and what follows is the advice Norman gave me about writing.


"I think you are putting together a process. An infrastructure as it were. I think that the very first thing you have to do is figure out the process before you put in the people. Process first people afterward. People are messy, the process keeps things clean. And you can understand what you need from them, what you are looking for, and what needs to be tossed aside. Have you made a decision about what you want to write about, the artist, or the issue? It doesn't seem as if the issue is what's hitting at you, musicians are notoriously messy when it comes to how they live their lives. You ask one question and you get 6 hours worth of conversation and only 20 minutes of it is usable and then it has to be edited down. It's not the people, it's the work and if you want to be on target with the scope, then you have to be on target with your process. The process is what does your workday consist of? And that’s the fear. If you want to deal with things, feelings, and messiness, you have to have a place that does not change. You have to have a desk, and paper, and ink and you have to have a notepad. You have to have the things that you need to process the information. You have to put together what your time at your desk looks like. If you're going to pour your heart and soul into paragraphs, it has to be worth it. There has to be something productive and you need to be productive with it. My advice would be to begin thinking about what happens during the time that you're working. And then to be disciplined with that. So many words per day or so many interviews per day, or so much research per day and you complete that and it is simply what it is. If you want to be the master of your craft then you have to be the master of your craft. There isn't any excuse for anything to impede your progress once you’ve started. Once you’ve started you’ve made a commitment to complete the work, you’ve made a commitment to your subjects, you’ve made a commitment to yourself, those things have to be in your mind every single time, I am going to write these pages, I am going to complete this project, then I can fall apart, then I can disbelieve. But all of that has to go to the side while I am creating it. Do you understand that?"

Advice From The "Otherside" George Harrison

Advice From The "Otherside" George Harrison

What follows is a conversation George Harrison and I had about my insecurities in this new realm of life that I now live.


"It feels a little like you were warming up to us and you got cold. I’ve had my issues with stage fright, I can completely understand yours. And yet when it came time I had to perform, that’s what I was contracted to do. And I imagine you are still wrestling with the idea of contracting to do this work. That's something you need to think about, because it’s voluntary, but it seems to be sitting on top of you. Because you are interested because you are willing to listen because you are willing to find the balance, you were given this gift. We’re not all right you know, not all of us. And we’re not all wrong. There's a balance there. The artistic temperament is different, we live in a different world, we answer our calls immediately and sometimes we are out of balance with that. I think you understand that concept. And I don't think that if you can frame anything in terms of worthiness that anybody qualifies to do anything. I think the question is readiness. Are you ready to do it? Do you have room for it? Are you willing to give it space? You have a desire for it, but are you really ready to step forward? You know sometimes, I couldn’t remember the next chord to play, it would just vanish out of my head but it was still in my fingers. I could still figure out with my fingers where to go even though my brain went blank. I think it has to be the same thing for you, you may say it went cold for a minute or I’m not sure but you still have to write something. You still have to say well let me get information that I can get from the other side let me see what the sources are let me understand where the story comes together how does it dovetail? No matter how much you speak to us, there’s a hell of a lot of research you need to do and that can be the place that you begin to find your footing. It's interesting that in any amount of writing or journalism or speaking about it always comes down to my truth, your truth, and then the truth that’s somehow in the middle. And that's what you're looking for, the truth that's somehow in the middle. I may say we were treated unfairly or I was treated unfairly, somebody else may say that was not how it was and maybe that's true and maybe it's not. And you are there with the puzzle pieces trying to figure out decades later what really happened there. So maybe that’s not even am I hearing it or receiving it, I think maybe it’s do I have the ability to put the puzzle pieces together? Can I get all of the information in such a big task when so many of these people are gone? And get a feeling for what really happened and who we really were. None of us are the same people that the publicists and The Machine made us out to be. We were all just human beings trying to figure it out."

George: "What's your favorite word?"

Rene': "Peace."

George: "Why is that your favorite word?"

Rene': "believe that's where you find true happiness."

George: "Can you show me a picture of peace?"

Rene: (I hold up a photo of sunrise that I love, that makes me feel peaceful.)

George: "This is a picture of sunlight and clouds, and water, where is the actual picture of peace?"

Rene': "There is no picture of peace, this makes me feel peace."

George:"AHA, that’s correct. You’re looking at something that cannot be touched. Your favorite word is of something that is ethereal. And if you can resort back to that and to say well I can’t touch peace I know it when I feel it but I can’t touch it. It’s no different than when you say I know I am talking to them I just can't touch them."

Advice From The "Otherside" Jim Morrison

Advice From The "Otherside"  Jim Morrison

I've been gifted with the ability to speak to those passed over. It's not something I was born with or even knew I could do. Gifts are like that sometimes, they don't appear in your life until you are able to understand and use them. I was 63 when mine appeared.

Since I have had this ability, I have been producing a podcast with my husband, a radio announcer for over 50 years.

Along with some really good interviews, I have received some really insightful advice about life from Jim Morrison, George Harrison, John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, and writers of note, Edgar Allan Poe and Norman Mailer.

I have decided to share this advice with the world.

I was having difficulty accepting this gift, being able to communicate with the otherside, doubting the reality that I am worthy. Jim Morrison gave me this wonderful gift of guidance.

Jim Morrison

"We’re all lighter than air toots, all of us. And we float like puffs from a dandelion in the air. You are no more real than I am. You're my dream I'm your dream. All we have between us are the thoughts between us. We connect differently, it's electric. Our neural pathways are what’s connecting. The minute that you stop to question how it works, the minute you begin to look for infrastructure, the minute you begin to say I need brick and mortar, you’re saying I don't want to connect my neural pathway to yours. None of us is bigger than the other and none of us has work that's bigger than the other and that’s the fear, that you think, what could we possibly have to say to one another. Maybe it's just enough that we both got lost in the music together, maybe it's just enough that you are willing to listen to what I have to say and that I am willing to hear you too. You talk a lot about your connections with that other dude but you listen to him when you talk to him, have the conversation with us too, some of us are worth the time and effort, maybe that's all of us. That's all for now."

Just Imagine

Just Imagine

How awesome it
Would be if we
Could travel back
In time and re-live 5 years.
I’ll take 14-19, those
Most formative
Years where you make decisions
About the rest of your life.
Although you have no life experience
You are really horny.



Never felt I lived the
Life I was supposed to.
Stuck in this mediocre life
When I know I am intended
To do so much more.
What do you do?
Always been too broke
And too scared
To take the ultimate chance
And bust out
Of these chains of oppression.
Never happy, I know there is more
Do you walk away?
Do you go it alone and figure it out?