
Advice From The "Otherside" Jim Morrison

Advice From The "Otherside"  Jim Morrison

I've been gifted with the ability to speak to those passed over. It's not something I was born with or even knew I could do. Gifts are like that sometimes, they don't appear in your life until you are able to understand and use them. I was 63 when mine appeared.

Since I have had this ability, I have been producing a podcast with my husband, a radio announcer for over 50 years.

Along with some really good interviews, I have received some really insightful advice about life from Jim Morrison, George Harrison, John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, and writers of note, Edgar Allan Poe and Norman Mailer.

I have decided to share this advice with the world.

I was having difficulty accepting this gift, being able to communicate with the otherside, doubting the reality that I am worthy. Jim Morrison gave me this wonderful gift of guidance.

Jim Morrison

"We’re all lighter than air toots, all of us. And we float like puffs from a dandelion in the air. You are no more real than I am. You're my dream I'm your dream. All we have between us are the thoughts between us. We connect differently, it's electric. Our neural pathways are what’s connecting. The minute that you stop to question how it works, the minute you begin to look for infrastructure, the minute you begin to say I need brick and mortar, you’re saying I don't want to connect my neural pathway to yours. None of us is bigger than the other and none of us has work that's bigger than the other and that’s the fear, that you think, what could we possibly have to say to one another. Maybe it's just enough that we both got lost in the music together, maybe it's just enough that you are willing to listen to what I have to say and that I am willing to hear you too. You talk a lot about your connections with that other dude but you listen to him when you talk to him, have the conversation with us too, some of us are worth the time and effort, maybe that's all of us. That's all for now."