
I Am An American

I Am An American

On my mom's side of my family, I am related to George Soule, one of the original Mayflower travelers. At one point in time, my family owned much of the eastern coast of the USA. Chevy Chase, Maryland was built and named by a relative. Many of my family fought in the wars to free America and I take my responsibility to carry forth their mission very seriously.

My only weapon is my words.

They fought to be free of oppression.
They fought to be free to speak their mind.
They fought to be free to arm themselves.
They fought to be free to worship as they chose.
They fought to be free to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

While they were defending these rights, they were thinking of themselves of course, and changing the face of their existence, but they also considered all those who would come after. They didn't want their descendants to have a life that was anything less than free.

They are turning over in their graves at the state of our union today. Is this what they wanted when they envisioned the America of the future? I think not.