
Take A Knee In Front Of The TV


TA-DA. This is the cover for our podcast, Brian White's According To. I thought it was going to be an impossible task but it wasn't bad. Now, I am no graphic designer and it is probably flawed but you know what, it's the flaws that give it character.

Now I am going to get to work on one for this blog. Yup, I'm going to do a podcast. I am going full video on this one so I am practicing my style. Which I don't have HA. I'll get it. You know, it's not so easy to talk while being recorded. It's not live so I don't know why I care when I make a mistake, I just get pissed. Then I start over. I know. I've got to get used to working with the editing department.

Here's today's post. Thanks for reading.

Take A Knee In Front Of The TV

I'm on strike. I take a knee in front of the television. I noticed that I was angry all the time. Just pissed at life. Things haven't gone so well for most of us in the last 8-9 months: sickness, virus, politics, losing jobs, you get it.

I finally looked at the issue. It wasn't hard to pin down the culprit. The people who report the "news," which is no longer really news, but an opinion rendered by someone who uses their skew to tell the story, need to take a lesson from the likes of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather. I am a huge fan of Dan's and love his interview show, but we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, which I don't mind but I don't know if he will ever have lunch with me. Call me Dan. They reported the news. This is what happened. Not this is what happened, this is why this is who is to blame.

I was being influenced by a vehicle that was designed to keep me informed, not brainwash me. I tried an experiment and sure enough, it was the tv news shows. Nothing scientific, I just stopped watching the fear mongers and flipped over to AXS for some cool music and stories about musicians. I felt great. I wasn't yelling at people on the tv. I was singing along with some great music and totally enjoying myself.

I am not a high drama girl although my daughter accuses me of being one. Whatev.

I enjoy peace and love and kumbaya. I hate drama.

I can't imagine how these other folks feel, those who had a busy life, with a job, kids, etc. They are stuck at home with the whole family for who knows how long. They are listening to the tv. All they hear is hate and voila, here starts the cycle.

My suggestion, don't watch any news or opinion channels. There are great shows on tv these days, we have more than 3 channels now ya know. Read a book, write a book. Just stay away from the poisonous rhetoric that inhabits any show with "news" in the title.

Kumbaya my friends.