
If You Hate, Don't Speak, Pass It On

If You Hate, Don't Speak, Pass It On

Yes, it is very sad that there is so much hate-speak.

I look forward to having this election over so people can move on with their lives and let go of this separatism. We are all in this life together and need to remember that we need each other. I think everyone forgets that we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We have a voice in how we are governed. Use it. Vote in all elections. If you don't like the way things are going, contact your representatives. Stop picking at each other, we all have the right to have our own ideas. Respect that. Compromise. Talk and compromise. Use your voice for good, not to put others down.

Oh and accept the outcome of the election, even if it is not what you wanted, and move on.

AND buy lunch for someone in the opposite party.

Pass it on.