
Advice From "The Otherside" Edgar Allen Poe

Advice From "The Otherside" Edgar Allen Poe

I have a special relationship with Edgar. He stepped forward during a reading I was having with Myrna back in October 2019. I had been speaking with those passed over during my readings but it was always a family member. Until that day.

Myrna looked at me and said, "Edgar Allen Poe is asking permission to speak with you." I just sat there for a minute and tried to let that sink in. "Is he a relation?" was all that came out of my mouth. "No, you are kindred souls," he said through Myrna. Edgar says he wants to write through you. "What does that mean, channeling?" was my next comment. He said "Sort of" and I said ok. He let me know that he would be in touch to discuss.

Two days later I began t work with EEP on our book, "Dear Mr. Poe...Just Call Me Edgar." (Now available on Amazon Books, shameless self-promo. So what.) It's a book of free-form poetry and brings together the best of both of us.

What follows is some advice to me from Edgar about becoming a writer.


"The writer has a process that only the writer can see. No one else understands the writer's labor and very few people have faith in it until there is a finished product. It’s a lonely place and I think that maybe a lot of the fear is rooted inside of that. It is the reason why so many writers look for sources of comfort because they feel the information coming through and everyone else is saying yes, you must clean the bathroom or you must vacuum the rug and you are thinking why such mundane things when I have the entire Universe at my fingertips. Ultimately, you can only rely on yourself to carry forth the task in front of you. Ultimately it is your resolve whether or not you choose to craft the narrative that others may read for the fulfillment of their understanding.

What is the focus that you want to bring? Remove the idea that people have to think a certain way, you cannot make others process like you. Instead, say to yourself, for those who understand my internal language, for those who understand what I am writing or why I must write, this is just a little story for you. Ultimately for every writer, you are writing for yourself. And once it is complete you send it out to see if others will care for this small changeling you’ve given birth to. Don’t think any longer about other people. Think only of the subject matter. Take the Universe and bring it down to the smallest grain of rice. And write about that. Give people the commonality of the experience of being alive."