
Dumb Human

Dumb Human

We can't get ahead because we can't get out of our own way. It isn't that difficult people, it's just life!

Sometimes I hate being a dumb human. Really.

I can imagine a whole other dimension of those that have gone before us watching our progress. You know they've got to be shaking their heads.

Here's one for the universe:
There are people who claim that thoughts will become things.
I have some weird-ass thoughts occasionally.
How then can the universe differentiate what is a thought that could be manifested, say like that great new life where I am rich and famous, from that thought that the something who lives under my bed is ready to grab my feet if they aren't under the covers?

Why Are You Still Looking For Your Life's Purpose?

Why Are You Still Looking For Your Life's Purpose?

My daughter and kids (Dani 16, Tyler 15 and Kylie 11) recently moved away from the only town they have known as home for the last 10 years, in Wilmington NC. My daughter got a great job in Charleston SC, about 3-1/2 hours south. Off they went.

In life, you must always consider the consequences.

Following is the conversation I had with my 16-year-old granddaughter this evening. She was the most enthusiastic about moving, but once it was a fait accompli, well, life happened.

Me: It's NayNay, how are you?

Dani: Adjusting

Me: Adjusting means you are not happy.

Dani: It's just hard to move into a school year junior year and know no one. Mom doesn't quite understand that. I definitely miss home a lot.

Me: It doesn't seem like such a big deal until you realize that that part of your life is over. And then you get scared.

Dani: Yeah, it's slowly hitting me, and all my friends at home doing fun things, I'm here doing nothing, knowing no one.

Me: One thing I can tell you that helps me when I get where you are now is that you are where you are supposed to be for now until it changes again.

Dani: That's true, I know it'll get better.

Me: Never get too attached to anything because life changes every minute. Enjoy where you are now. That's all you have. You will meet new people and start a different life. It's hard but you do this over and over again for the rest of your life. Every so often life changes, my every so often is 10 years. Love you. Always here if you want to talk.

Dani: I know, thank you. Love you too.

So why am I still trying to find my life purpose?


Nobody Tells "The Secret"

Nobody Tells "The Secret"

Letting go again and again. Don't get too attached, you'll only have to let it go.....doesn't matter what it is, everything goes.......your health, your looks, your pets, your friends, that great job...on and on.

So why don't they teach that in school? Why doesn't anybody tell you that everything is temporary? I may have been better prepared for this temporary life had someone told me it is only for a time, awhile.....not forever. No one mentioned that I am not one.......I am the soul, the spirit, in this human life, for this small amount of time.

But nobody told me. Nobody told me anything really, about life. I think we don't want to think about our temporary state of being a mortal, a human being. After all, we are that spiritual being having a human experience.

It would make life easier if we knew "The Secret" to our existence way before we reach 60ish. All that time I wasted, trying to hold onto that which cannot be contained. Nothing is permanent, everything is temporary, this is how we should live.

So why isn't anybody talking about it?

Who Said Writing Is Easy?

Who Said Writing Is Easy?

Writing is not easy for me. Gasp. Really. For me, it is a suffering like no other. Doesn't matter what it is, either. An interview, article, Tweet or Facebook post, writing causes me agita.

I have a friend who is in her 70's and just finished writing another book. ANOTHER book, I can't even squeeze out one.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I haven't figured out how to unlock the magic door to self expression. Does every other writer out there have to be in the mood to write?

Writing is a love/hate relationship for me. I love writing once I get an idea, usually. If I am forced to write, like when my deadline is here and I still don't have an idea, it's a coin toss. Maybe crap, may be great, who knows? We'll have to wait and see if the mood strikes me.

What I hate most is when I think that something I have written is epic. Then I re-read it and it is not.

I think I'll go mop the kitchen floor. At least I can see the progress I made doing that!

Suicide Isn't Painless

Suicide Isn't Painless

My grandfather, Dad's dad who emigrated from Hungary, ended his life on his terms. I was so young, only five when this happened. I do not remember him, only the day he died, because it was the first time I saw my Dad cry.

Suicide isn't painless, it hurts those who are left dealing with the human emotion of grief, while the deceased enter into the next stage of their spiritual journey. At peace in their existence while we suffer speculating on the why, rather than accepting that this is what the human and spiritual being agreed upon it's time to go. If you believe that we enter into this human life as a willing spiritual partner, prepared to take on the challenge of "being human" then you would have to agree.

My challenge in life has been getting over myself and rising up to be the person I know I can be. Sounds weird, but we all do it. Getting over yourself. The lower part of you, the human emotions who make it difficult to be an evolved being, trying to block us from being our true self.

It isn't given freely, this gift of connecting to your true self, it is meant to be a journey of discovery and overcoming being human with emotions that keep us rooted in the egoic self.

We are two beings...the human and the soul. Each has their own agenda, which is why our lives are so hard. It is up to us to bring these two pieces of ourselves together into this one being so that we can work on achieving our individual goals.

And what does this have to do with suicide? Everything. Before you decide to end your journey, make sure you have consulted your partner in this venture, the other half of yourself.

Tossin' And Turnin'. Not The Song. What I Did In Bed Last Night.

Tossin' And Turnin'. Not The Song. What I Did In Bed Last Night.

You know how you feel when you have the flu? So tired you just want to die; achy like you actually exercised only you didn't so there's no reason to be achy and that dull headache that doesn't go away. Pretty much how I feel most of the time. Especially the "tiredsees" the one where you are exhausted but can't sleep.

This is a relatively new situation for me, as I was a sleeper until the last few years. In fact, when I was younger, my Dad called me mattress back. Nowadays I'm lucky to get 5 or 6 good hours. This from the girl who won an award for sleeping the most. Yes, I have some mild sleep apnea but that isn't causing this, my diseases are the culprits here. Stupid highly sensitive nervous system.

Go to bed 11ish, roll around on the bed until 3ish. I even had company several times through the night as Bob the cat wanted to hang out and get some mommy love. Now Bob, really? I finally gave up and got out of bed. 3:30 a.m. Okay, so what do I do? I color my hair, of course. Put a layer of chrome with a little purple tinge and have to let it sit for one hour. No problem, I'm awake and can go water my outside plants, no rain forecast for at least a week, have to keep them hydrated. 20 minutes is all it took to water the flowers. The stuff on my hair has to stay on for one hour and I only killed 20 minutes. 40 to go. And guess what, I am getting tired. GREAT.

I decide to write, hey that'll wake me up, right? Wrong. I am trying to keep my head off the keyboard, I don't want to get hair dye all over it. 10 minutes passed, only 30 minutes now. Shit, 30 minutes. I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open. I am writing this with my eyes closed and my head hanging dangerously close to the keyboard. WAKE UP!!!!! This sucks.

I can't sit here, I have to move. I could go out into my studio and paint, nah, too tired, not in the mood. Still too dark out to do any real yard work. 4 more minutes pass, 26 left.

Re-dunk-uless the #Kardashian's would say. I like those folks. Maybe I should watch tv. Nah, nothing good on at 4:38 a.m., 22.

I am now having these stupid waves of exhaustion, similar to waves of nausea. I'm ok, no I'm not. I'm ok, no I'm not. SHIIIIITTTT. Stop this madness. Just shampoo the color out now and let's go to bed. No, it's not done yet. You have to wait the full 60 minutes because your hair is white and of course. Argghhhhh.

Remember the Charlie Brown cartoon where Lucy is holding the football and Charlie Brown is going to kick it. He says Argggggghhhh. That's how I feel. Who pulled the football out from under me. I'm ok, no I'm not.

How about a big glass of water to keep you awake. WTF stupid, how is water going to wake me up. It doesn't have anything in it, it's water! Just go get it.

OK, I'm back with my water and still have 16 minutes left. Cadee the cat is awake too and now she is following me around the house meowing. I guess she figures it's breakfast time. No Cadee. Go away. Either go to bed or go out and catch a lizard to play with.

This wave is almost over and I am becoming very close to clear-headed for a few minutes. I am sure you can tell what I wrote when I was sleep writing. Or maybe you can't. Uh-oh, does that mean my writing is so bad that the only people who read it are other sleep writers? Great. How many other sleep writers are there anyway? Maybe a lot, maybe that's a good thing. At least I know my market.

Coming up on 4:50, ten minutes to go. Still feeling ok for the moment. I know there's going to be another wave of exhaustion soon. That's just how this shit works.

4:55. With 5 minutes to go I can feel the exhaustion creeping in. I have to get this stuff off my hair and I am going to fall asleep in the shower. Not like I haven't done it before, I used to do it all the time when I was a teenager. I would lay in the tub with the shower running and sleep. Hey, it kept my parents off my back for a few precious moments of sleep. They used to wake me up at 8 a.m. to do my Saturday chores. So I would take a "shower nap". Made the mistake of telling my father I did this a few years ago. Big mistake. I will never hear the end of it.

One minute to go and I am leaving you for a few while I rinse my head. Hope I see you when I get back.

5:10, shower accomplished. I did get tired and this time a lovely wave of nausea joined in. Lucky me. Yup, this wave of exhaustion is staying with me. Now I can sleep though, right?

Can you? Or are you going to find a 24 hour Walmart?

First Crush - Sometimes You Can Go Home Again

First Crush - Sometimes You Can Go Home Again

I remember it well, that feeling I would get on Thursday afternoon, knowing that in a few short hours I would see HIM. He was in a band and they played at a bar every Thursday night. And I thought he was the cutest guy I'd ever seen. He was older: 23 to my 17, which was a pretty wide gap at that age. He was ahead of me on the "life" scale having already graduated school and holding down both a job and the gig with the band. And I was still a virgin. I was sure he was not, especially since he "dated" a girl that also hung out with the band and she informed me one teary evening in the bathroom of the bar where they were playing that night, that he de-flowered then dumped her. (I later heard from him that this was not the truth, her "flower" was not intact when they "you knowed".)

He treated me like I was a little sis or something; we became friends and would go to breakfast after the band finished playing at 2 a.m., (back when I could stay up that late.) He took me to a Guess Who concert and once he came to my house to play tennis. Too bad I really didn't play. What's even worse is that years later, about 40 years, I found out that he KNEW I wasn't a tennis player. I was so sure I had fooled him.
When I was 18, I gave up on him and shortly after met the man I would marry, have two kids with then divorce when I was 27.

I saw him once during that time from 19-25, his band was playing near where we lived and my then-husband and I went to see them. We spoke, it was pleasant and I didn't hear from him again until several years ago when I found his band on Facebook.

I have thought about that first crush many times over the years; luckily more times than I have re-hashed the crappy first marriage. Wondered what would've happened now knowing it wasn't my path in life or his for that matter.

We are talking more now, catching up on the last forty years, discovering what we do and don't have in common, it's nice. Sometimes you can go home again.

Myrna Deas - Talking To God And Dead People

Getting To Know Real-Life Psychic Medium, Myrna Deas

We are born with God-given gifts that are not always understood. When we think of Picasso, Bach, Nureyev, we recognize that something is different about them; they can do things beyond that of the normal person. We accept and celebrate their gifts and never question them, really, because we understand what they are doing: painting, composing and playing music, dancing. Gifts from God do not always follow the rules of being tangible, something we can touch, see or feel. Some people have gifts that take faith to acknowledge, but once accepted can change our outlook on life and death.

I thought I knew a lot about psychic mediums through those represented on television. Recently I had the privilege and life-changing experience of meeting Myrna Deas. Myrna is a psychic medium. She uses her gift to communicate with those passed over while using this channel to help us to heal. In my own experience, she was able to connect me with my long-deceased mother and deliver some vital medical information to me that has saved my life. I find comfort in knowing that my loved ones passed are somewhere, just not here, though never really far from us, as I learned from my time with Myrna. Open your heart and mind to accept new information and learn about this amazing gift.

Me: You were born in the Bronx; tell us about your early life and family.

Myrna Deas (MD): I was born on Christmas Day. I’ve always loved sharing my birthday with such an important holiday. My mom and dad always made sure I would feel remembered, and so the holiday season is always really special for me. I have a brother who is a year older than me and a sister who is 12 years younger. I grew up in a really “normal” family. My memories are of those typical early childhood experiences: going to the park, visiting Coney Island, being around family. My mother remembers things differently, though. She can tell you about my acute fear of heights, and of the dark. I never really liked having anyone around me when I was playing. In general, I suppose I was a stressed-out kid, but that felt “normal” to me.

Me: Your first experience occurred when you were just 3 years old; tell us about it.

MD: It was early evening, and I was in my room playing (by myself). My mother was calling for me so that I could take a bath. Suddenly I saw my great-grandmother standing in front of me. She was a person who scared me: She was really tall, she had big hands and longs arms, and I don’t recall her smiling very much. Also, she had this round mole on her chin, with hair growing out of it, so you can imagine how I felt about getting close to her! 
I remember standing very still and having this sensation of intense heat in my face. I don’t recall saying anything. And then she said, “Tell your dad I died.” I remember just standing there and blinking at her. Then she told me to give her a hug. When I didn’t move, she walked over to me, and patted me on the head, and said, “Don’t forget to tell your dad that I died.” Right then, my mom called me into the bathroom again. I remember looking back to see if Mom was coming to my bedroom, and then when I looked forward again, my great grandmother, Mama Flossie, was gone. When I went to join my mother in the bathroom, I very simply asked her, “What is died?” My mother, in her typically prosaic fashion, simply explained that died means you no longer breathe (which set off another phobia for me: worrying about my breathing ability!). When she asked why I wanted to know, I told her Mama Flossie had died. My mother told me that was not something to joke about—that we didn’t want to hurt my father’s feelings (Mama was my father’s grandmother). Just after my mother explained I was not to joke about such things, the phone rang. Someone told my dad Mama Flossie had, indeed, died. And that was my first experience with seeing people who have passed.

Me: From what I understand, not all mediums are the same. What are your gifts? For example, can you read people as a medical medium?

MD: It is true—not all mediums are the same. Each person’s particular calling has to do with their paths in life and the source of their information. I am not a medical medium. I can get some information about a person’s bodily issues, and I have some diagnostic ability, but medical readings are not my forte. My specific gifts are clairvoyance, or the ability to see people or situations I have not been exposed to; clairaudience, or the ability to hear people or situations I have not witnessed; psychometry, or the ability to feel energy in inanimate objects; precognition and retrocognition, which is the ability to see the future and past; dream interpretation; claircognition, which is the ability to know things I have no previous exposure to; and interpretation or discernment, the ability to see patterns and understand symbols occurring in one’s life. My work is in alignment. To be precise, my work is in "Life Path Alignment." This means I diagnose areas where one is “stuck” and cannot seem to move forward. Getting to the root of trauma, and everyone has trauma, is the key to understanding how one perceives their life experiences and how those experiences parlay into the choices one makes. For example, I worked with a young CPA recently, who is married with two children. She came to me with feelings of unspecified unhappiness and the belief she had never been happy—ever. As I worked with her, I found she had been “trained” to make smart choices in life. So she chose to marry someone who was acceptable to her family. She had children because her family wanted her to have kids. She became an accountant because her family felt that was an appropriate career path. For this young woman, making choices to make others happy resulted in her feeling like she was living her life for others. Hence, she was out of alignment. From there, we needed to work on practical solutions to help her begin healing from the need to please her family.

Me: When you are in a reading, what do you experience?

MD: Oooh—that’s a really good question! An hour or two before a reading, I feel agitated: jumpy, restless, overexcited. I meditate at this point, so I can calm down and prepare to meet with a client. Just before I meet with a client, I feel intense heat. The heat signals I’m ready to meet with my client. During a reading, I don’t feel a lot. I’m in a “trance” state, which is just another term for a daydream state. I feel “floaty” or dizzy. Frequently, I become really cold. I’m clairvoyant, which means I can see clearly. So I can see people who have passed over. And I’m clairaudient, which means I can hear them as well. Essentially, I am feeling the feelings and experiences of the person with whom I am communicating.

Me: Can you communicate with pets that have passed?

MD: I can communicate with animals. Again, it’s not my forte. There are very gifted practitioners who communicate with animals as part of their main practice. But animals frequently “pop up” in my readings. Animals are very important to us because they are very effective teachers of unconditional love and non-traditional family. Believe me, many clients are more emotional and interested in the fate of their fur-baby than in great-grandma.

Me: Do you receive messages when you are not “tuned in”?

MD: I do. Because spiritual counseling is my life’s work, I consider myself essentially “on call,” and so I remain open to the messages that come through. However, my approach and belief is that no one deserves to be ambushed with unrequested information. I believe those who are meant to receive messages through me will do so in the calm and respectful surroundings of a private setting. But if something does happen to come through, I ask why is this coming through and what am I supposed to do? And that approach has worked for me every time.

Me: What do you do to relax?

MD: This is absolutely the best question! Relaxation is difficult for me. I don’t really ever relax. I have horrible insomnia, and I can’t sit still for very long. This is because everything is energy, and energy is how information is received.
My favorite pastime is reading. I read a lot! Travel is a favorite pastime; there is nothing like experiencing a change of energy to revitalize me. And I like to entertain—putting together a party makes me very, very happy!

Me: Can you connect with anyone who has passed over? For example, I would love to speak with Dr. Wayne Dyer, who I never met in this life but have been a student of his teachings for over 40 years.

MD: Sure, I can reach anyone who is interested in reaching back. However, I don’t call just anyone into a reading—that would be a séance, which is problematic for me. I look for whoever wants to come through and speak. Those messages are the most healing and come with divine permission. Keep in mind, those of our loved ones who have passed over have the gift of higher perspective; you don’t have to look to Dr. Dyer for those messages. Most of those who have passed on have achieved a greater wisdom, and have the added benefit of knowing and loving you.

Me: Do those who pass over contact you to get in touch with their loved one(s) on this side?

MD: Typically, if someone on the other side wants to reach out to someone here, circumstances happen to bring us all together. Remember, there are no such things as coincidences! When I first began allowing myself to receive messages, I had a series of dreams about a bracelet. Months later, I found the bracelet while on a weekend away. Months after that, I randomly met the person who was meant to receive the bracelet. I’ve learned the key is to not overthink things but to have faith everything is meant to work out in its own way.

Me: Do you have a mentor?

MD: Sure, I have a mentor! I mentor directly with God—or the Holy Spirit. When I first began to openly acknowledge my gifts, I asked everyone who was psychic to mentor me. It was like some really bad movie from the 1930s. I was begging everybody for help. Every person whom I spoke with said my gifts were so strong and blessed that there was no mentoring they could offer me. Far from an ego boost, I felt lost and abandoned for a really long time. Then a really wise woman told me to go directly to the source of my gift. And that advice has worked for me ever since.

Me: Have you ever heard of someone losing their gift?

MD: Yes—not as in the gift just suddenly evaporating but as in the person stepping off his or her path, or losing alignment and the gift stops responding. For example, Whitney Houston had a world-class voice, definitely a strong gift from the divine. But due to the unfortunate circumstances of her life, she stepped off the path of singing and into the difficulties of substance abuse. It was through her substance abuse that she lost her voice. You may remember shortly before her death she was attempting a comeback, and she simply could no longer sing. This is really the same concept. Your gifts are meant to be used in a particular way. You risk your gift when you choose to adopt a different path in life.

Me: The way I understand it, we all have a level of psychic ability. People like you are very tuned in and have a strong ability. Is there anything that the average person can do to increase their psychic energy?

MD: Everyone is psychic! This is so true! There are two things everyone can do to strengthen their abilities:
1. Admit you have the ability. Then relax. Fighting that knowledge or trying to force the knowledge only distances you from the energy. Be OK with it. Don’t think it is evil; it is definitely God-given.
2. Trust. When information comes through, trust it’s real, trust it’s true, and trust it comes from a pure space. Everyone has said at some time in his or her life, “I knew it!” or “I should have gone with my first instinct!” That’s burgeoning psychic energy and serves to teach us to trust what’s coming through.

Me: What do you know about the other realm where our spirits reside?

MD: I know a few things about the other side. I don’t know a lot, though. Whenever I ask, I’m always told I don’t have the ability to completely comprehend, and it would be distracting to live my life knowing more than I do. I have seen some pretty incredible things, and bits and pieces that I’ve been able to peek into [show] it looks incredible.

Me: Do you have religious beliefs?

MD: I wouldn’t call myself religious but spiritual. I was raised in a very traditional Christian household, and much of that ideology remains for me. However, I’ve chosen to reject the dogma associated with denominations. I feel dogma is where so many people go astray. I read the Bible every day, but I also read lots of other religious or spiritually themed books.
My belief is everyone must experience God/Spirit/Source for themselves; religion is understanding God through someone else’s experience. I believe that God is the creator of everything—that we are meant to learn and co-create in this realm. I believe everyone has everything they need to make their way in life when they are born; it’s just a matter of unlocking potential. I believe God appears to each of us in very different ways; I believe it’s arrogant and short-sighted to believe that God shows up for everyone in exactly the same manner. I believe we all have the divine command to love and help one another. I try to honor that command in my everyday life.

Me: What are your life challenges?

MD: My challenges are pretty simple, really. I’ve dealt with the fear of being who I really am my whole life. Right now the biggest challenges I have are in setting personal time for myself. I’m in session almost constantly—which I love—but I don’t want to suffer from burnout.

Me: I’ve read that this gift is sometimes inherited. Is there anyone else in your family who has had it?

MD: Well, everyone is psychic, in some manner, so the gift itself is not necessarily inherited. But the type of gift and the intensity of it are definitely connected along family lines. It’s no different, really than any other gift. 
For example, you might see a long line of mechanics or athletes or linguists in a particular family tree—or look at the Barrymore family of distinguished actors. In my family, there are definitely a number of people who have had exceptionally strong clairvoyance or claircognizance. Most of those family members declined to call their gifts “clair-whatever,” but the gifts were definitely evident.

Me: Do you receive communication from the living?

MD: I do receive communication from the living. Sometimes they are far away. I’ve communicated with people in comas or vegetative states and a few with late-stage Alzheimer’s. I have received communication with angels and with God/Source/Divine.

Me: How do you prepare for a reading?

MD: I prepare for every reading through meditation and prayer. I meditate to achieve calm and to signal my readiness to work. I pray to signal my intentions. I have 3 prayers I use consistently. The first is to speak out gratitude for everything in my life and to communicate any help I might need. The second is to remove all bias, all prejudice, the need to judge or share personal opinions. This prayer is to reduce my ego, so I become a clear vessel for that person’s information. The third prayer is my client will recognize this time as a holy and sacred time, and the information will be taken in, accepted and used as a platform for change.

Me: What do you want to accomplish in this life?

MD: I am so blessed to be able to do what I do, every single day. I recognize the need to take my work to a bigger place, a bigger platform. So I am working steadily toward that. In addition, I see my work shifting at some point to teaching over individual counseling.

Me: What was your most memorable reading?

MD: I have done more than 12,000 readings, so it is a difficult question to answer. Perhaps the most impactful readings have been to help families achieve closure with people whose deaths were questionable in some way. This includes working with the police or private detectives, so evidence can be located or a crime re-assessed. I’ve worked with very high-profile people—politicians involved in the current election cycle and award-winning celebrities. Surprisingly, those are not the most memorable experiences I’ve had. I think to qualify for memorable, the reading has to impact me in a truly personal way. I have to experience a profound epiphany, along with my client. One very emotional reading was with a couple who had several miscarriages. They came to see me about difficulties in their marriage and whether they should stay together. And I saw the spirits of five children who tried to come through. These children were sending love and acknowledgment.
Needless to say, it was so surprising for this couple but ultimately truly healing. They emailed me later that they decided to go into couple’s counseling because they had recommitted to their marriage. That’s why I do what I do. If there’s any way my gift can help someone achieve closure or become “unstuck,” I want to help.

To reach Myrna Deas, visit her website at