


Something growing,
Deep inside,
Gnawing, trying to get out.
What is it?

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

I’m here,
Where are you?
Doesn’t seem fair
That you know
And see all
And I am clueless.
Are you here?
I can’t tell.
Guess I haven’t worked
Hard enough.

Life Is A Beautiful Thing

Life Is A Beautiful Thing

If you can get past being
A human.
Ego is supposed
To keep us in check
Yet it seems to take liberties.
Manipulating our thoughts
To suit
What the Ego wants.
Not how I want to
Live anymore,
Get out of my head.
There isn't room for you
It is filled with love.

Wake Up

Wake Up

How is it you wake up
One day and you are 60.
That can't be right,
What happened to 55, 50, 45,
Drops in a bucket,
Time is gone
And you don't get it back.
Move on,
Look forward,
Not back.
Am I doing it right,
Livin' up to the age?
You are a senior
You know,
Very different
Then the last time
You were a senior,
In high school.
Life was just beginning.
Now senior means an ending.
But not really an ending for you.
You go on.
Your spirit lives to fight another day.
This lifetime,
This vignette,
Is coming to a close.
Don't know when
And that's okay,
I don't want to know.
Just be gentle
When it comes to that good night.
Accept what you have
And where you are.
Stop fighting the plan
And you will find peace.

How Do You Like Me Now?

How Do You Like Me Now?

Here I sit
Full of questions that will
Never be answered.
After all, how important is it all anyway?
Kind of silly really, we take things so seriously
In this nonsensical life.
Can't sing, can't dance, can't play an instrument.
What am I good for?
Too many people in the world.
Tired of trying to figure out why I am here,
What am I supposed to do?
Just live?

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Sometimes it's hard to believe
That we've gotten this far.
What with the liars and thieves,
Philanderers and cheaters,
Those in power abusing those
They have power over.
Accusations are now accepted as truths,
Word against word.
Who's right?
Our government is a joke,
More "what can I do for myself,"
Instead of "how can I help you?"
Is it like this everywhere or
Just in the land of opportunity?

Scaredy Cat

Scaredy Cat

Has it hit you in the gut yet?
You know, that feeling you get
In the pit of your stomach
When you think
Of something scary,
Like your own ending?
Five or ten years,
No big deal
When I was just a kitten.
Now, five or ten years, wow,
Not sure I have them.
Dropping like flies,
Too many already gone.
How can I stop this,
This time whizzing by?
Slow down please,
Let me catch up.

Reality Just Spit In My Eye

Reality Just Spit In My Eye

I've recently realized how out of touch with reality I have been in my life. "I'll never look old like that" or my favorite "I'll never let myself get fat like that" are coming back and spitting right in my eye. Delusional me felt that I would age, but just a little. I would still retain my good skin and hair. And I will always be skinny.

Um, no.

Dear Delusional Me,

OK, sit down, I am going to tell you the truth.

You are a sack of bones and skin that will eventually rot from the inside out.

You were born and you will die and between the two you will have some fun and spend lots of time not having fun.

You can't change the realities but you can change the way you live with them. It's all in your attitude. Let's get on the right track, the track that will lead you to the joy and happiness you have sought these 60 some years.


Right Here, Right Now

Right Here, Right Now

This is your reality.
Not yesterday,
Not tomorrow,
Here and now.
So hard to keep your focus
When the world swirls
Around and around.
Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath,
Remember to be
In the now.

Go In

Go In

Looking for guidance?
Go in.
Clear your human mind
And listen
To the voice within.
That's who you should listen to,
Not the never satisfied ego.
Remember- we are a spiritual being
Having a human experience.
Shouldn't you listen to the one 
Who knows?



Running away doesn't solve anything,
Makes matters worse sometimes.
If you're not happy here,
You won't be happy there.
You take you with you.
Stand up straight and tall,
Shoulders back.
Now march straight into it.
Feel better?

Where Are My Keys?

Where Are My Keys?

It's happening to me,
Something that I thought
Would happen to everyone else,
Not me.
Getting older,
Losing my edge.
Wait, I don't feel older
In my mind.
But my hand is my mother's,
My waistline out of control.
Oh shit,
Where are my keys?