
Wake Up

Wake Up

How is it you wake up
One day and you are 60.
That can't be right,
What happened to 55, 50, 45,
Drops in a bucket,
Time is gone
And you don't get it back.
Move on,
Look forward,
Not back.
Am I doing it right,
Livin' up to the age?
You are a senior
You know,
Very different
Then the last time
You were a senior,
In high school.
Life was just beginning.
Now senior means an ending.
But not really an ending for you.
You go on.
Your spirit lives to fight another day.
This lifetime,
This vignette,
Is coming to a close.
Don't know when
And that's okay,
I don't want to know.
Just be gentle
When it comes to that good night.
Accept what you have
And where you are.
Stop fighting the plan
And you will find peace.