
Giving Away Money

Giving Away Money

We are eternal souls.

This chapter in our development is not meant for us to seek answers to questions our human minds conjure up. The reality is that this place we inhabit at this time is merely one place we visit in order to have “the human experience.”

We have only one real goal for being here, to love each other, which encompasses all those actions we associate with love, respect, patience, tolerance of differing human opinions, acceptance of the flawed humanness we sometimes fall into, forgiveness, encouragement, etc. 

There is no other answer to the question “Who am I” other than that stated at the beginning of this, we are eternal souls. We are not what the human mind assigns us to be. We have a human identity, most times based on societal beliefs of you are what you do, not who you are. I am not what I do, I am who I am and that is, you guessed it, an eternal soul. 

Human mind chatter is just that and our “mistake” is buying into what it says. That is what causes our suffering. 

Live as a guest here and learn about the human experience, not as a participant, rather as an observer, who does not react to the belief system created by humanness. 

Finally, love the others who are here with you and assist them with their personal journey toward their greater truth. 

P.S. There is no money, I just wanted you to read this.

Clean Up Your Act

Clean Up Your Act

I don’t know about the rest of you but I sure am changing the way I live. Did you know that we spiritual beings in a human body have a code of conduct of sorts? Did you know it is wrong to be unkind to others? Or that what you do to someone in this life will be your next life. 


If you were a rapist in this life by free will, not part of your life plan, your next life will have you as the rape victim. What you do to others is what you will have done to you. I’ve actually been going back through my life and trying to identify things that I have done to others so I will know what to expect if I have to come here again. 

One standout was laughing with the rest of the class in 4th grade at a classmate who was very heavyset. Someone made a comment and all I remember is everyone laughed. Her name is Roberta (Bobbie) Zimmerman and she lived with her very large family up the street from me. We didn’t hang around but she had always been nice to me and here I was laughing at her pain. I didn’t think that then, I was just thinking about the punishment Miss Davis gave the class, the whole class. And Bobbie stood at the front of the room and we all had to apologize, one by one. Gonna pay for that one. Hey, Bobbie if you’re still here I hope someone from our neighborhood sees this and forwards it to you. If you are on the otherside, you can hear me:

Dear Bobbie:
I am so sorry I participated in mocking you. You are a good person and didn’t deserve to be treated the way you were by anyone. Understand that I had no reason to go along other than everybody raised their hand and I didn’t want to be the only one with my hand down. I wish I would’ve left it down and stood up for my friend. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. 

Rene’ Potee

That’s just one, there are others all through my heathen life. But I’m going to make them all right before I go “there” and have to confront my behavior, I will already know what I did. 

I suggest you start getting some spiritual guidance, someplace or someone that will teach you about the afterlife. People who don’t understand things avoid rather than learn what it is about. At least give yourself the opportunity to say, “Yes, I know all about the afterlife, and I really am not into it. But I do understand it.”