


From time to time, I get discouraged. Things aren't going the way I want them to. Success is taking too long in my impatient mind. Is anybody reading my stuff? Have I touched anyone?

Then I remember something my Aunt Cheryl wrote to me after she received my first book:

"So many of your poems stirred up feelings in my soul." 

And I remind myself that my writing is not for everyone, the souls who get it will know it was written for them.

And I start writing again.

We Are So Lucky

We Are So Lucky

That we were
Born when
We were.
That no
Other generation
Will ever have.
Going from
Carbon paper
To a computer,
Without a cord,
Microwave ovens,
All this progress
In a mere few
Can you relate?
Then you
Get it.

Death Once More

Death Once More

So I
Am not
Afraid to
Let my
Body die.
My soul
Will go on
To some
New adventure,
I am immortal.

Alright, Cut The Crap

Alright, Cut The Crap

I am sick to death of all the hatred. Not just negativity, plain outright hatred. Normally nice people are so angry about the shenanigans in Washington that they are being hateful and disrespectful to each other. I experienced it firsthand on Facebook. Whipped into a frenzy by the media and their biased ideas, sides are chosen and lines are not crossed.

There is no compromise, no empathy, no forgiveness, just mean, nasty, hatred. All because a group of fellow Americans hates President Trump. So what happens now, people? Does this just continue? For how long?

Is there no end in sight?

Well, I have a few suggestions:

Stop watching the news channels. And let them know why you are no longer going to watch their hate spewing. While you are at it, write to their advertisers and let them know you will no longer be using their products until the stations they advertise on cut the crap and report the real news.

Stop posting and forwarding negative commentary on Facebook, Instagram, and whatever other social media there is.

Just say no to discussing politics, especially with people you know do not share your beliefs.

Don't allow the negativity of others to influence you. Just because political parties are dysfunctional, doesn't mean we have to jump aboard their hate train.

Instead of focusing on finding fault, look at the positive side of the situation. Like how is your 401K doing?

Look, people will always disagree, we are not robots all programmed to think the same thoughts. It takes compromise and negotiation to find the sweet spot where agreement between two different ideas is found. We can agree to disagree.

So cut the crap and let's get to work getting past this.

A Soul Is A Soul

A Soul Is A Soul

Whether a soul
Is in
Human form
Dog form
Cat form,
A soul is a soul
And we love the soul,
Not the package It comes in.



Skin wrinkles
Bones shrink
Hair lessens
Begin to stink.

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd

How could those so young
Possibly be able
To write lyrics
So profound
As they had
Not had time
To experience the
Feelings expressed.